

main.jpgIn 2391, the USS Fenrir set out with a new Captain and crew. Their mission? To seek out new alliances and become a beacon for the Federation's ideals across the galaxy. The valiant Norway-class vessel must face down the untold dangers of space while upholding the hopes and dreams of the United Federation of Planets; people of every creed working together for a safer, brighter and more inclusive future.

With such a bold mission, it will never be plain sailing. Challenges will arise, old enemies will resurface and in every union there are people willing to put ambition over principle. It's a brave new world out there; who will be daring enough to carry the banner of Starfleet?


Proud members of Theta Fleet.
Part of Task Force 23, for Roddenberry/Berman Trek sims that include canon from TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT and the movies up to and including Nemesis.

For more information, please see our FAQ.








Latest News Items

» New Assistant Chief Operations Officer

Posted on Tue Feb 18th, 2025 @ 7:49pm by Commander Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon in General News

Hello all,

Please welcome onboard our new Assistant Chief Operations Officer Ren ch'Shaorhs, played by Chris!


» Awards January 2025

Posted on Mon Feb 10th, 2025 @ 7:38pm by Commander Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon in General News

Hello all!

January was a good month for us and February is doing well so far.

I am excited to announce that we got the Gold Merit of Distinction from Theta Fleet for January! This is down to the brilliant writing of this crew and the wonderful interactions and stories that you're all contributing to - both as your characters and as yourselves.

Our very own Lieutenant Commander Daniel Masters also was awarded the Player of the Month for Task Force 23!

I am so happy to be part of such a great group of writers and I want to…

» New Medical Science Specialist

Posted on Thu Jan 16th, 2025 @ 12:48am by Commander Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon in General News

Hi all,

I'd like to announce that we have a new Medical Science Specialist! Vinnie has joined as Crewman Mateo Gardel. As a Medical Science Specialist, Mateo reports in a dotted line to the Chief Medical Officer as well and is always on hand to analyse anything that medical throws his way.


» November Awards

Posted on Fri Jan 3rd, 2025 @ 1:17pm by Commander Scarlet Blake in General News


I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!

Apologies for the slow Theta Fleet awards news, preparations for Christmas well and truly took over for me in December.

For the month of November, Fenrir won the Gold Unit of Distinction and an Award of Merit, thank you and congratulations to everyone for their brilliant writing and characterisation work!

A special mention also to Odin, who plays Doctor Astrid Nyx, for winning the Writer of the Month award...and well deserved it is too!

Thanks for being such a great crew, I'm enjoying every moment!

Wishing a happy and peaceful New…

» Award of Merit September

Posted on Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 12:29pm by Commander Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon in General News

Hi all,

Congratulations! Thanks to you all, we've been awarded the Theta Fleet Award of Merit for September!

This is because all the amazing posts people have produced. We've got an amazing bunch of people here writing, so this is all down to you.


Latest Mission Posts

» Weird Science, Part 3

Mission: To Boldly Go
Posted on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 11:35pm by Crewman Mateo Gardel & Lieutenant JG Lovisa Montague & Crewman Raine Ni-ya

[ON - Continued]

"What are you working on?" he asked, casual but genuine. "Need an extra set of hands?"

His question hung in the air for a beat—casual but genuine, the words feeling slightly foreign in his mouth.

He wasn’t entirely sure why he’d asked. Maybe it was an unconscious attempt to smooth the last edges of tension, or maybe he just wasn’t quite ready to leave yet. Either way, the offer was out there now, lingering between them.

He glanced briefly at Lovisa, half-expecting her to be the one to respond first. Of the two, she was the more…

» Weird Science, Part 2

Mission: To Boldly Go
Posted on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 11:34pm by Crewman Mateo Gardel & Lieutenant JG Lovisa Montague & Crewman Raine Ni-ya

[ON - Continued]

"We can order you more to play with," Lovisa assured Raine with a teasing smile before catching hold of a random box from the top of the pile. Setting it down, she knelt close, opening it up to make a start on their needle in a haystack search. "Medical Sciences, hm, Mateo?" she glanced up to him with genuine interest. "What made you want to specialise in medicine?"

Mateo’s brows lifted at Raine’s remark about keeping the biofilters. His lips pressed together, the humor in his expression cooling to something more measured—less amusement, more scrutiny.

"Yeah, hard…

» Weird Science, Part 1

Mission: To Boldly Go
Posted on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 11:34pm by Crewman Mateo Gardel & Lieutenant JG Lovisa Montague & Crewman Raine Ni-ya


With the inspection out of the way and the training still to come, Crewman Raine Ni-ya took in the relative quiet of Science Lab 2. She liked the lab out of the rest because it had the perfect layout. The others were mirrors of each other, to fit the corridor and whatever equipment designs that whoever had set it up had decided on. Science Lab 2 had been set up in a way where you could stand by the doors and have a good view at a glance of which station was taken. No corner to hide behind. It…

» If I knew you were coming...I'd have poured the scotch [2/2]

Mission: To Boldly Go
Posted on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 7:50pm by Commander Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon & Lieutenant Aristede Steele PsyD.

[ON - Continued]
"I don't know about that," Aristede shot back, his dark eyes alive with humor, "but there may be the occasional pop quiz. You know us Academy Instructors ..." He picked up a statue, Rodulan in origin, the stone worked through a telepathic process that served as both a meditation aid and a way to siphon off their abilities in a productive way. It was an interesting technique and one he was in the process of writing a paper about.

Kit sat back a little on the floor, as usual no real regard for what he did to…

» If I knew you were coming...I'd have poured the scotch [1/2]

Mission: To Boldly Go
Posted on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 7:49pm by Commander Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon & Lieutenant Aristede Steele PsyD.


It wasn't the sort of name you just ignored. Aristede. It was the sort of name you remembered if you had ever heard it. Which was a feat, considering that Kit's name was Cornelius, the sort of name you saw, remembered and most likely scoffed at. Aristede sounded a big more regal.

Of course, Kit had known the name since he was a child. Since his mother had invited one of her students for family dinner. His sisters had ignored the El Aurian because dinner had been something his Dad had tried cooking and sort of succeeded in, but…

Latest Personal Logs

» Defying Gravity

Posted on Sun Feb 9th, 2025 @ 1:48am by Petty Officer 3rd Class Constantin Vansen

Year: 2377
Location: By the DMZ

“SS Astra, this is Captain Okonjo of the Federation Starship Marco Polo. We have received your distress call. Please respond.”

For a moment, the voice rang through the bridge of the small ship, making the youth strapped to the chair open his eyes. It sounded strange in the room, a female voice with such authority. The boy hesitated for a moment before reaching out with a slender hand to press a button. His blue eyes studied the screen, his brown hair cut so short that the lack of gravity didn't make it float around.…

» Echoes of a Clean Slate

Posted on Sat Feb 8th, 2025 @ 7:23pm by Crewman Mateo Gardel

Personal Log – Crewman Mateo Gardel
Medical Sciences Specialist, USS Fenrir

I don’t even know why I’m doing this. Personal logs aren’t the same as journaling. At least when I write, I don’t have to listen to my own voice. I don’t have to worry about saying something out loud that I might regret later. Maybe that’s the point. Maybe I need to hear myself think for once. Or maybe I just don’t want to deal with the silence.

It’s been four days since I came aboard the Fenrir. Four days to settle in, to get a feel for the…

» The Road So Far: Aria Rice [4/4]

Posted on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 10:38pm by Lieutenant JG Aria Rice

Place: USS Nova, Somewhere in the Alpha Quadrant
Year 2388

I love myself today
Not like yesterday
I'm cool, I'm calm
I'm gonna be okay! - Bif Naked, ‘I Love Myself Today’

Ensign Aria Rice smiled as she materialised on the USS Nova. Her first ship, in space. Like, really in space. She looked around with awe, taking in all in. “Hi!” she waved at the transporter Chief, who looked at her as if she had lost her mind.

A small ship, but it was perfect for her. Her first posting in Security, wearing the uniform, doing what she had…

» The Road So Far: Aria Rice [3/4]

Posted on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 10:38pm by Lieutenant JG Aria Rice

Place: Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth, Sol System
Year: 2387

You can see her
whenever it rains
From Rome to New Orleans
dancing on the graves
Burden by the heart she loves her
sunglasses after dark
And every single day her
little life falls apart - The 69 Eyes, ‘Gothic Girl’


“I’m up!” Aria fell off the sofa, hitting the floor with a groan. She opened an eye slowly, before she grimaced and touched her head. “Ouch!”

The shadow that was cast over her was a Trill, watching Aria with mild amusement. “Wow, it lives…” she said, kneeling and…

» The Road So Far: Aria Rice [2/4]

Posted on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 10:37pm by Lieutenant JG Aria Rice

Place: Selene City, Luna, Sol System
Year: 2383

I point my finger, take the blame
And this time I will only name
Because nobody is going to ruin me
If I have to, I will ruin myself
And it will be my ruin… - My Ruin, ‘Terror’

Taking another sip of coffee, in her usual hiding place, Aria pulled her coat closer around her. She could see her breath in the cold, but despite it picked up another PADD. Studying, away from everything. She was meant to be on a school trip, but a quick forgery had let her off.…