
For the sake of smooth game play, we ask that you follow some simple rules...mostly they're just common sense:

1) Have fun! Star Trek is a great fandom for creative and cooperative writing.

2) A PC is just that, a Player's Character, so if you are writing a post or a storyline that involves another player’s PC, please ask permission from them first...or better yet, ask them to write it with you.

3) On the same line, please don't kill or hurt etc. anyone's PC without the player's permission (and they should know exactly what you have planned). We also ask that you seek permission with PNPCs/NPCs also, as many will be specifically connected to one player. However, feel free to do whatever you like with your own PC/NPCs.

4) We ask that you post a minimum of once every two weeks to keep the game moving and smooth. Please also reply to JPs (Joint Posts) at least every few days to keep the story flowing.

5) No superhero or god-moding characters...this means a character that is good at everything, or knows everything, always wins, is better or smarter than everyone else...basically unrealistically exceptional characters. It's a pet peeve - they spoil the game for other writers and are just plain annoying. A character having talents is fine, but they should always be balanced with weaknesses. For the same reasons, no Q or Q-like characters will be accepted.

6) We are a 2-2-2 sim, meaning that there will be violence and scenes of a sexual nature and you must be 18 years old to join. However, do not post any overly explicit posts or posts that are purely violent or sexual material without any storybuilding. Anything that you feel might be too much, please just contact the GM or AGM for advice before posting and we'll let you know.

7) This is an inclusive sim, and as such please treat your fellow Trekkie with the respect you would like. Everyone is welcome here, and we will always try and make things work for anyone with specific needs. We do not tolerate harassment, so if you have a concern please raise it with the GM and AGM.