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Wed Mar 5th, 2025 @ 10:59pm

Petty Officer 1st Class Ember Locksley

Name Ember Locksley

Position Counselor

Second Position N/A

Rank Petty Officer 1st Class

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Place of Birth England, Earth
Age 38
Date of Birth 2353

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11''
Weight 140 Ibs
Hair Color Dark red
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description emberportrait.jpgEmberMove1.gifEmberMove4.gif


Spouse Ex-Husband – Doctor James Morland
Mother Doctor Alice Locksley
Father Doctor Joss Locksley

Personality & Traits

General Overview Above all else, Ember has an insatiable appetite for knowledge. Having been brought up travelling between exotic locations, she feels more at home in the natural world; the more unspoilt and natural the better. She’s an intelligent woman who learns quickly and has a quick wit that goes with it. She’s confident in her work and opinions, unafraid to speak her mind and is able to remain calm and clear even in difficult or heated moments.

Despite her passion for biology and psychology having been the driving force for her becoming a doctor, it doesn’t blind her to the person behind the condition. It can take a while to get to know her, and she’s a naturally private person who’s not always forthcoming on a personal level, but once she warms to someone, she commits to a strong friendship.

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: She has a natural affinity for both biology and psychology. In medicine, she is particularly skilled in the area of infectious disease and understanding how physical ailments can affect mental health.

Weaknesses: She very much keeps to her medical and counselling skills and has no real knowledge of the work in other departments. She doesn’t do well with being cooped up and finds it difficult if she hasn’t been able to go on an away team for a while.

Ambitions To publish papers and books that are received with the same respect that her parents' work was.

Hobbies & Interests Botany, anthropology, archaeology, sociology, psychology, travelling, swimming, sailing, flying (traditional aircraft), hiking, climbing, free diving, camping, reading, writing, music – can play a few different pipe instruments.

Languages Spoken Standard. Basic Cardassian, Bajoran and Trill. Some words and phrases in several other languages.

Background Ember was born to a renowned anthropologist father, Joss, and talented biologist mother, Alice. Despite the somewhat luxurious upbringing her parents had, they were wild at heart and travelled and lived in countless exotic and unusual natural locations to study and learn from other cultures. When they knew they were expecting Ember, they decided to return home to England for a safer and settled place to bring a baby into the world.

It lasted for a few years, the little family residing in Alice’s large, old family estate. Ember was a healthy girl, seemingly as curious as her parents in everything she did. When she was about 6 years old, Alice and Joss couldn’t resist the call of travelling any longer and the family packed up to head back out to the wild.

They never stayed in one place for more than a year, but Ember not only got used to travelling, she learned to love it. They started off by living and studying in the last historic settlements in the tropics and jungles of Earth, but a few years later they decided Ember was old enough to travel off world. They took to the exotic and natural hideaways still left on different planets, learning about the indigenous cultures and local biology. They had learnt how to balance respect for the people still living in the wilder corners of the galaxy with their study and thirst for knowledge and understanding.

Ember thrived in the wild upbringing, free to roam and explore, leaning about more cultures and ancient, forgotten people and traditions than she could have imagined existed. She never questioned their unusual surroundings, enjoying the freedom of living a more basic lifestyle in nature out in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes they’d pick a new place to go for the sake of her father’s anthropology studies for a new book or paper, or sometimes it might be a traditional community having difficulties that her mother’s biology talent could help with.

Ember enjoyed their adventurous lifestyle for years, catching her parents’ love of learning and discovery. It had its risks though, and they’d had more than one close call as a family. Their luck ran out when Ember was 17 and her parents died from an illness that her mother had been trying to help a local tribe to fight.

Not knowing what to do, she returned to her late-mother’s home on Earth, where she’d grown up as a young child. It broke her heart, but she turned to the only comfort she knew; learning. A year later, the young woman who shared her parents’ gifts was accepted to study medicine at university. She threw herself into her studies, even if she felt completely out of place, going from living out in jungles, forests and mountains to the staid and structured life of university in England. In fact, she found that adjustment harder than the studies.

She was naturally talented when it came to biology and psychology, the influence of her parents’ specialisms showing in the student. Despite finding it difficult to adjust, Ember forged some friendships, and a couple of years into her medical training a romance blossomed between her and a fellow student, James Morland. By the time they finally graduated from medical school, they were engaged, and by the time they’d finished their foundation years to receive their full registration as doctors they were married. He was a charming and charismatic man from a family of standing with aristocratic roots. She shouldn’t have felt so much of a fish out of water in those social circles, as her parents came from the same background and the family home she now owned had been in the family for centuries. However, after years of living a basic lifestyle in the middle of nature, she never felt comfortable.

It also became apparent that James had vices and a will to do what pleased him. Ember tried her best to live a settled life, working as a doctor while also supporting her husband’s surgeon ambitions and moving in his social circle. She never knew which James she’d get in an evening; the loving charmer or the impatient and demanding man with expectations. The turbulent relationship only became more difficult after they suffered a miscarriage, the grief putting more pressure on both of them. It made her realise that she couldn’t continue to live in a way that made her feel so trapped. She told James that she had resigned from the hospital and was going to follow in her parents’ footsteps by volunteering to work as a doctor in small, traditional communities in natural habitats. It didn’t go down well with James and the view he had of their lifestyle and image, but she didn’t care and did it anyway.

She immediately realised how much she’d missed it, and although she was never too far away from home to be able to get back and spend time with James, she felt more like herself than she had in a long time. They continued on for a few years in that manner, Ember travelling back and forward for work, and James securing a posting as a surgeon in a prestigious hospital. The relationship was torrid, swinging between high romance and arguments over both of their lifestyles. It seemed like they might continue swinging between the two extremes forever until Ember found out about the affair that James was having. Despite his best efforts to win her back over, she divorced him, without discretion.

Ember tried to do her usual and throw herself into work, but somehow, knowing she was now truly alone, it made her feel empty. She wasn’t sure how to remedy it; even letting herself get lost in the middle of nowhere didn’t soothe her. After talking with a friend who taught at the Academy, she decided that maybe it was time for a fresh start, to try a different landscape, which is when she turned to Starfleet.

Despite being a licenced and experienced doctor, Ember chose to enlist rather than apply for office training. When questioned, she expressed she had no interest in rank, command or other functions of a ship or starbase. She just wanted to stay wrapped up in medicine and psychology. It also meant she could get out into the stars quicker. After her joint medical and counselling enlisted training she was given a position in medical on the USS Harbringer. She packed with relief, not wanting to be grounded or cooped up on a starbase.

After living a life out in the wilds of both Earth and alien natural habitats, she found Starfleet life difficult to adapt to at first. However, she wrapped herself up in the resources available to her for her love of biology and psychology, and she learned to find beauty in the cold dark of space. The promotions came with her experience and calm nature even under the most stressful situations and she proved that she was a capable and strong woman in different ways. She grew accustomed to Starfleet life and would always be the first to volunteer for an away mission, always eager to explore a new landscape or people. Her past experiences made her incredibly good at working with native people in difficult situations and it became apparent that she was particularly adept in combating infectious diseases.

Ember was badly injured during her service on the USS Trial and it took some time before she regained consciousness. When she did, it became apparent that it would take even longer to recover and rehabilitate. She wasn’t very good at being on the other side of the doctor’s table, but had no choice with enforced medical leave at Starfleet Medical. It took several weeks until she regained her fitness, and by the time she was cleared for duty, she was more than eager to get back on to her feet and take up her new posting on the USS Fenrir.

Service Record 2387-2388 – Starfleet Enlisted Training, Medical & Counselling
2388-2389 – Medical, PO3, USS Harbringer
2389-2390 – Counselling, PO2, USS Jil’Nar
2390-2391 – Medical, PO1, USS Trial
2391 – Medical Leave, Starfleet Medical
2391 – Counselling, PO1, USS Fenrir

Medical History ~Various childhood illnesses and injuries.
~Survived Saedow Fever, a tropical disease from Nejiks.
~Suffered a miscarriage five months into pregnancy.
~Was considerably injured during the battle of Latari; head/brain injury, broken hip, spinal fractures, muscle lacerations, dislocated knee, broken ankle, broken collar bone.