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Tue Feb 11th, 2025 @ 7:32pm

Petty Officer 1st Class Leon Inaros

Name Leon Aquilo Inaros

Position Nurse

Second Position N/A

Rank Petty Officer 1st Class

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Place of Birth USS Athena
Age 40
Date of Birth May 20th 2351

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 148lbs
Hair Color Light brown, greying
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Leon is of a natural slimmer build, with some muscles where he exercises. He has blue eyes and light brown hair that has started to get its grey streak. He has started to wear a light beard and his hair longer now that he no longer needs to hold with the Marine code. His left leg is a biosynthetic leg after losing it in an accident.


Mother Aurora MacLure Inaros, teacher
Father Arthur Inaros, retired Marine Staff Sergeant

Personality & Traits

General Overview Leon’s calm and collected in most situations, not really getting himself stressed out about what happens around him. He is naturally a caring person but his time as a Marine has made him toughen up a bit. He had a slightly cynical sense of humour and is often seen with a small smile on his face when he finds a situation particularly funny. He continues to have counselling, both after the war and also for the biosynthetic leg which he, at times, struggles with.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Organised, calm under pressure, skilled medic/nurse
Weaknesses: Sarcastic, can be blunt without much tact
Ambitions Becoming Charge Nurse
Hobbies & Interests History of medicine, hand to hand combat, swimming, running, literature, holonovels

Background Leon was born on the USS Athena, the only child of Staff Sergeant Arthur Inaros and Aurora MacLure, a civilian teacher who would travel where her husband would go. As a child, Leon had a tendency to take himself off and do what he wanted. He was trouble, from climbing places he wasn’t meant to go to asking a million questions of people. He was often at odds with his father, who had to punish him for when he broke the rules. His mother however just said he was a child who needed more structure, but never followed through on it.

He was a smart enough boy but restless, always wanting to be active. When asked what he wanted to do when he grew up, he never really had the answer. So when the time came to decide what to do with his life, he did what seemed logical in the moment…he joined the Marines. It was what his father had done and he understood the culture of it.

During bootcamp he showed good promise, despite not being the strongest physically out of them all. He worked hard to improve his strength, he kept his mind clear and he helped his fellow recruits. Despite never thinking much of his own natural gentleness, he was good at calming people down when the stress and pain of the physicality of it all seemed too much. During the first aid training, he showed a lot of promise, enough to have his Instructor recommend he become a Combat Medic.

The training from that was two-fold. He was trained by other Combat Medics, but also had to do stints at Starfleet Medical. It did what it needed to do though and he learned what he could from anyone that offered to talk to him. For once, the questions were answered because he asked them in the right way.

When the Dominion Wars started, Leon was thrown into combat alongside his battalion, finding himself not just putting what he had learned into practice, but finding new skills. Having to both fire at the enemy then run to the wounded, he found himself pulled between two worlds. The moment he had a wounded by his side he was their protector, confessor and healer, patching them up enough to get them evacuated, or having to black tag them if he knew there was nothing to be done. He saw his share of blood and gore and while it made him grow up he did not allow himself to be hardened around it. Once off the battlefield and after debriefings, he would take his notebook and pencil out and write down the name of the person, what injuries they were, what he did…and if they lived or not.

By the end of the war, he had filled out three notebooks.

Post-war, Leon found himself trying to fit into peacetime Federation. The Marines were his salvation, as shared experiences meant they could talk to each other. Leon joined a group where they could talk about what they had experienced with a psychiatrist, group support sessions as they got to grips on what had happened and how they had changed. And Leon, a Sergeant, found himself being happy in this world, finally settled.

Until in 2389, when a training exercise lost him his left leg. Traumatised by what he would later call a series of mishaps and bad luck, Leon found himself at Starfleet Medical trying to reconcile what had happened and the biosynthetic leg he now had. Unfortunately, it wasn't an easy transition and despite putting the work in, he was not cleared for active duty. It made Leon face a rather uncomfortable truth: he was no longer fit to serve as a Marine.

And like that, he had to see what else was available at his current level of fitness and ability. The offers were simple, you could retrain and stay within Starfleet, or be discharged with benefits. Leon wasn’t ready to stay on a planet or find a civilian life where he would be happy. So his choices became simpler. Security, which most Marines were offered as standard if injured out. It meant training, as there was a lot of differences in rules and regulations. There was going to the Academy and be trained as a Doctor, take those four years and start out there. Or there was six months training to become a nurse.

There was no way that Leon was going to go and become a doctor. Four years at the Academy sounded like his Hell. He had no interest in Security. But a nurse? He could help people and it meant it would be quick before he was working. So, he applied for a spot on the nursing course and was accepted.

He spent a month in a classroom, learning the procedures and medications that were offered on a starship. It was a new world for him, going from a bag in the field to suddenly having a whole sickbay to choose from. He showed a good understanding of medication and injuries, but it took him awhile to get his head around the general illnesses and treatment. He spent the next five months at Starfleet Medical, doing rotations in the different departments. He found himself a natural in the Trauma Department, but also liked being in the long-term wing, where he got to know people for a little bit longer. It was also a good fit for him to work on recognising his new limb as his own and becoming more comfortable with it.

When he finished the course, he stayed at Starfleet Medical for a few additional months before he got his assignment…the USS Fenrir.
Service Record 2369 - Starfleet Marine Corps Bootcamp
2369-2370 Starfleet Marine Medic Training
2371-2389 3rd Battalion, 2nd Starfleet Marine Corps Infantry
2389-2390 Medical discharge, retraining as Starfleet Medical Nurse
2390-2391 Starfleet Medical, trauma nurse
2391-PRES USS Fenrir, Nurse
Medical History Through his life, Leon has had the following illnesses/injuries (excluding common illnesses such as colds, flus and minor infections:

Age 8: Broken arm
Age 14: Concussion
Age 18: Broken leg
Age 20: Concussion
Age 21: Shrapnel to the chest and right leg, pneumothorax, traumatic brain injury
Age 25: Broken left wrist
Age 31: Concussion, left orbital fracture
Age 38: Three broken ribs, left side, traumatic amputation of left leg mid-thigh.