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Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 11:35pm

Lieutenant JG Lovisa Montague

Name Lovisa Montague

Position Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Place of Birth France, Earth
Age 26
Date of Birth 2365

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 7''
Weight 125 Ibs
Hair Color Dark brown, almost black
Eye Color Dark brown
Physical Description LovisaMontaguePhysical.jpgWith hair and eyes so dark that they almost seem black, Lovisa's pale skin seems even paler in comparison. The darkness of the eyes only serves to make them seem even more soulful than they already are. She has a warm smile, but equally her features can seem serious and pensive, but never emotionless. Her feelings are all too easy to read in her eyes and on her face, even when she tries to hide them. Lovisa is of average height at 5’7’’, but seems a more petite young woman due to her slenderness.


Spouse None
Children None
Mother Commander Jane Montague, Chief of Helm, USS Harlequin, 45
Father Armand Laugier, unknown circumstances, 51
Siblings None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lovisa is a warm woman with a compassionate nature that results in her putting the needs of others first. There is little she wouldn't do for a friend or stranger alike, and on occasion her trusting and compassionate nature has landed her into trouble. She has a shy edge to her personality, but enjoys socialising, particular amongst the crew wherever she is stationed, finding a sense of community amongst colleagues.

She is grateful of the fact that few people know about her illness as she dislikes how other people's behaviour often changes around her when they find out. She focuses on keeping it out of mind and keeps herself busy to get the most out of life. She works hard in her job, putting in far more hours than she is scheduled for, but doesn't mind as she finds it both fulfilling and worthwhile. Lovisa is a young woman of faith based in the Catholic church, and her gentle ideals of how to conduct herself and her behaviour reflects that.

Strengths & Weaknesses Lovisa is not physically strong, and she is not a fighter...neither by nature nor skill. She barely passed basic combat training at the Academy and when asked to put it into use now she is not very useful at all. Her illness also means she does not have the highest stamina levels, but she frequently fights against it. However, she is resolute and determined and once she has something in mind she sees it through to the end, no matter how bad the situation.

Having minored in medicine, she is able to treat injuries in emergency situations with the basic nurse training she has. Her skill as a scientist has been recognised in the form of decorations. Understanding people and being able to communicate well with them is something that seems to come naturally to her.

Ambitions Lovisa is not in her job to climb ranks. Instead, she does it because she genuinely enjoys her work and finds it a worthwhile profession to be in.

Hobbies & Interests Reading, music, playing the piano, playing the cello, theatre, ballet, swimming, lacrosse, cooking with real food, wine.

Languages Spoken Standard, Latin and Romulan

Background Although she was born in Italy and had an Italian father, her mother took Lovisa back to her own native country, England, to bring her up close to her own family. Her father lived with them for a few years until he left without warning when Lovisa was six. Left in the lurch as a single mother, Jane Montague decided to put her piloting skills to work and entered Starfleet, knowing they’d support her as a working mother. The transition to a Starfleet based lifestyle left Lovisa with little time to adapt to her father having left, but it also kept her busy and occupied.

Lovisa grew up on various starships, and the lifestyle seemed to sink into the girl…although she loved training in ballet, dance and singing, she grew up with an expectation that she would follow in her mother’s footsteps and join Starfleet. She tried to learn how to fly like her mother, but she was too careful to really have the spirit for it. She was a good student and always put all of her effort into her work, resulting in good marks. It was actually her teacher who suggested she try out for the Academy a year early, believing she had the academic ability for it, and it would simply come down to the interview process as to whether they wanted to take her on at 17, as they did in some cases.

The panel was taken with the young girl, who seemed naturally gentle and warm in nature, with an optimistic disposition, and yet also seemed to feel the world for what it was, without naivety…she came from good Starfleet stock with good marks and a solid work ethic. They offered her a place and while it was hard work, she was focussed, studious and did well in her first year. When it was time to decide on her department speciality, her high scores in the sciences led to her following the scientific path.

It was during her second year at the Academy that she started having bouts of illness, and after several examinations and tests they diagnosed her with SLRV that affected her immune and blood and usually proved fatal after 25-35 years of progressive degeneration. She took the news with shock, but managed to work through it with help from both her faith and loved ones. She realised she would have to take medication for the duration of her life and actively look after herself to slow the damage it could do, and although it reduced her symptoms, it didn't stop them entirely.

She was asked if she wished to step away from her studies, but she refused. She loved the Academy and Starfleet life, and if they were still willing to have her, she was willing to put her all into her work. They agreed to support the young cadet, making sure she received the best medical care via Starfleet Medical while she was on Earth at the Academy.

She graduated successfully and was given a full commission despite her medical issues. She proved herself by working hard, long hours, taking a great deal of effort and interest in the crew around her with a genuine and natural concern for others. She refused to let her medical condition get in the way of her career and her hard work earned her a promotion.

Service Record 2382-2386 - Starfleet Academy, Major Science/Minor Medical, Cadet
2386-2388 - USS Oslo, Science, Ensign
2388-2390 - USS Warden, Science, Ensign
2390-2391 - Starbase Fortitude, Science, Lt. JG
2391-Present - USS Fenrir, Science, Lt. JG

Medical History Lovisa has SLRV disease, which affects her immune and blood and usually proves fatal to sufferers after 25-35 years of progressive degeneration. This gives her some bouts of illness now and then, but she is managing at the present time with regular medicals and medication adjustments, as well as having come mostly to terms with the terminal illness, or at least, as much as she can.