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Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 7:50pm

Commander Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon

Name Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon

Position Executive Officer

Second Position N/A

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Place of Birth Boston, Massachusetts, Earth
Age 40
Date of Birth 17th May, 2351

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 185lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue with a hint of green
Physical Description Kit’s on the tall side of average for a human male, with brown hair and usually some light facial hair, if not a trimmed beard. His eyes are blue with a hint of green close to the iris and he has the pale complexion of someone of his ancestry. His body shows that he stays physical whenever he can, be it climbing around the ship or hitting the gym or holodeck.


Mother Professor Ciara Hanlon
Father William Hanlon
Siblings Riley Hanlon (age 36, diplomat, married to Solkar, lives on Betazed)
Maeve Fayre (age 34, musician, lives on Earth)
Other Family Professor Cornelius Haig Hanlon, paternal grandfather, lives on Earth
T'Orla (niece, age 10, daughter of Riley and Solkar, lives on Betazed)
Victoria Fayre (niece, age 15, daughter of Maeve Fayre, lives on Earth)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kit’s extremely easy going, quick to smile and with a mild manner that can seem at odds with his physique. He is a good listener, but more importantly able to read between the lines. He can speak before thinking things through, but will often take people through his thought process, a hangup from his days as an Engineer. He’s a social man, enjoying the company of others and striking up friendships and conversation. He has a good memory for faces too, able to recall those who served with him years ago and any quirks they might have had back then. He is a bit of a daredevil on the quiet, as well as having somewhat of an impulse streak that has been tempered with his years as a First Officer, but not quite destroyed.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Kit’s an able engineer, a passion he still has even when he has moved to Command, but more importantly he was a good Department Head. He can easily see when people are close to breaking and considerate and respectful to people’s strengths as well as limitations. He will always ask for input if there is an issue and listen to suggestions.

Weaknesses: Kit’s easy-going manner can at times land him in awkward situations when he must be firmer. He also, underneath it all, worries a lot about people and how they are doing. While he can make difficult decisions seemly easily, the mental cost of them later can leave him questioning his way in the universe.
Ambitions Kit would love to one day have his own ship, preferably something not that shiny but steady.
Hobbies & Interests Running, swimming, boxing, mountain climbing, historical fiction holodeck programmes, technology, live theatre/concerts

Background Cornelius Hanlon was born in Boston, Massachusetts in what was formerly known as the United States of America. Cornelius was a family name that always skipped a generation to avoid the ‘Junior’ or a numeral being fixed to it. The family joke was that anyone with the name would have pity on their son, and not name them Cornelius, yet when that child grew up and had children they decided it would be funny to name a son Cornelius. Luckily though, Cornelius became a Kit from the moment he drew breath, despite what his birth certificate and Starfleet personnel file might say. Kit was the oldest of three children and the only boy, and as such as the big brother that would happily help his sisters out…even if they were more than capable themselves. His mother was a professor at Harvard University, specialising in Applied Psychology with a focus on non-Human species, where as his father taught mathematics in High School. Kit didn’t actually have any relatives in Starfleet. Despite this, when he was eight he insisted that one day he was going to join Starfleet.

His parents, wanting to at least encourage the boy’s interests, took him through the Sol system during summer for his tenth birthday. They even got to stay on a Starfleet ship and Kit, who had managed to sneak away from some poor Ensign giving the three Hanlon children a tour of the lounge, wandered into Engineering…and fell in love.

The warp core itself had a huge impact on him, but what really drove it home was when the Chief Engineer spotted him. Rather than getting someone to collect him, she informed his parents where he was and said she’d bring him around for lunch. For the next two hours, she showed the excited boy around Engineering, explaining things and pointing them out. Her kindness planted the seed of engineering in him, something that became an obsession for him in the years following.

His mother made sure to expose him to as many different people as she could, including Aristede Steele, who was working on his doctorate. Kit became fascinated with the El-Aurian and to this day credits him for introducing him to live performances.

Kit was a good student and well liked during his school years. He got involved in sports, not necessarily because he enjoyed the activities, but because he enjoyed being part of a team. In his teens he was clumsy after a growth spurt, which meant he didn’t exactly shine in sports, but his good humour kept both him and his team going. In 2369, he took the Starfleet Academy Entrance Exams and passed, joining in September 2369.

Kit started his Engineering course at Starfleet Academy on the 2nd September 2369, a Tuesday, which meant that the two days were wasted on the cadets getting to know the layout of the Academy and the best places to party, with Thursday and Friday to bemoan black market alcohol. He quickly fell into the routines that they put for the cadets, enjoying the challenges presented. He had a good head for Engineering, mostly because of his earlier obsession with it. Even so, he was happy to help out those that seemed to struggle, and ask for advice when he was stuck on theory. In fact, the four years at the Academy shaped him from a youth to, as cliché as it sounds, a Starfleet Officer. But of course, by the time he graduated, there was a war on, something Kit had never considered being likely. Rather than being transferred straight to a ship, he was kept on Earth, at Starfleet HQ, one of many new Ensigns that were set to reallocating resource. When the Breen attacked Starfleet HQ and San Francisco, Kit was lucky to escape with his life. He had been heading out when the attack happened and pure coincidence meant he hadn’t been in the building that got hit.

In the catastrophe, he had to rely on his training to keep calm, administering first aid where he could and try and keep more of the building from collapsing with portable forcefields. It felt like days, but it was only hours. He helped beamed out causalities and tried more than anything to keep his head level. He stayed on Earth until the war ended and got his first posting on the USS Hidalgo. It wasn’t even a brand-new ship, but an end-of-life Miranda class that was still limping on. But for Kit, it was a chance to be an Engineer. And he loved every second of it. Not only did he find he was good at it, but he also enjoyed working alongside others who shared his passion for engineering. Gone was the competitive edge that the Academy had when results were published for all to see. Instead, it was being part of something else. Something bigger.

Perhaps some people would have been depressed to describe themselves as a cog in the machine, but Kit liked that aspect of it. Off duty, he made friends, different ones with different experiences. He was just as happy walking on the holodeck in the woods as he was in a bar partying…it was all about the person he was hanging out with. If they preferred the quiet, he adapted, if they wanted loud partying, he went for that too. It might have been a streak to please people, but for Kit it was more about wanting people to be comfortable.

In 2383, ten years after graduating from the Academy, he was Assistant Chief Engineer on the USS Alita, a newer and shinier ship than the now decommissioned Hidalgo. It was a newer ship with a better warp core and Kit took his time to learn all he could about it. He also enjoyed making more decisions and being more of a leader, finding himself in charge during his shift. It was something he didn’t think he would enjoy, but he did. Almost despite himself. When he in 2385 became the Chief Engineer on the USS Pensacola, he realised he had a choice. He could either stick as a Chief Engineer, which a lot of Engineers did, or…consider going into Command.

Once the decision was made, Kit made sure that he took the certificates he needed. He was already a bridge officer, having done that exam when he had made Lieutenant Commander, but now he renewed his focus. He went on away teams when he could, trusting his people to keep the ship running smoothly and found out he had a good instinct with people. Those who struggled he would find ways to support, to retrain them or just give them the time they needed to get to the level they wanted to. He became good at reading a file, to see what was true laziness, or just a lack of motivation. He rarely raised his voice in anger, finding it a waste of his own energy and unproductive.

In 2389, he got his first chance of a real command position. The USS de Balboa needed a new First Officer to serve under Captain Jorge Alonso, a veteran Captain who had famously refused promotions to Admiral to keep himself with a ship. Kit got on well with him, although found him increasingly frustrated whenever he wanted to flaunt a rule. He famously took him off the bridge to Engineering once, sealing it off for everyone else, and gave him a two-hour lecture on the capacity of a warp core and the dread consequences of a malfunctioning structural field. Still, the lecture was only made famous by Captain Alonso regaling visiting personnel with the tale himself, which made it sound more like a sword fighting session than what it had been.

In 2391, Captain Alonso decided he wanted a new First Officer, feeling that he had taught Kit to stand up for his own beliefs and that was all he could teach him. So Kit’s service record became one of many put in for newly minted Captain Scarlet Blake to consider, and eventually…chosen.
Service Record 2369-2373 Starfleet Academy, Engineering, Cadet
2373-2375 Starfleet HQ, Resource Allocation, Engineering
2375-2383 USS Hidalgo, Engineering Officer
2383-2385 USS Alita, Assistant Chief Engineer
2385-2389 USS Pensacola, Chief Engineer
2389-2391 USS de Balboa, First Officer
2391-PRES USS Fenrir, First Officer
Medical History Kit has been fortunate to have only suffered minor injuries through his life, such as broken fingers, plasma burns and electrical burns from working. He has not had any major illnesses.