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Tue Sep 17th, 2024 @ 7:32pm

Lieutenant Astrid Nyx

Name Astrid Nyx

Position Chief Medical Officer

Second Position N/A

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Place of Birth Taras City, Varda Prime
Age 28
Date of Birth May 27th, 2363

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7''
Weight 135 lbs
Hair Color Dark black with reddish highlights
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description She has vibrant dark hair styled in a classic bob cut that appears dusky red in bright light, and striking hazel eyes. Her fair complexion with a slight olive undertone is smooth, and her delicate pointed ears subtly hint at her Vulcan heritage. With a strong, slim build and a calm, composed expression, she exudes both resilience and professionalism, often seen in her well-maintained blue Starfleet medical uniform. When off duty, Astrid prefers to wear comfortable yet stylish clothing that allows her to move freely. She often opts for simple designs in earthy tones, complementing her natural features.


Children Aurelia Wainwright (adopted child)
Mother Thalia Nyx
Father Callum Nyx

Personality & Traits

General Overview Astrid Nyx is a dedicated and resilient individual with a calm and composed demeanor that immediately commands respect. Despite the intense pressures of her job and the added responsibilities of caring for her goddaughter, Aurelia, she remains empathetic and deeply caring, always putting the needs of others before her own. Astrid is known for her intelligence and quick thinking in emergencies, balanced by a strong sense of duty and loyalty to her colleagues and loved ones. Her quiet strength and unwavering commitment make her a reliable and trustworthy presence in any situation.

=^=Official file=^=
Psychological Profile:

Resilience and Empathy: Astrid's background and experiences have equipped her with a high degree of resilience and empathy. She remains calm and composed in stressful situations, providing a steadying influence on her team and patients.

Emotional Guarding: Tends to bottle up her own emotions, which can lead to emotional exhaustion. Actively works on managing this aspect of her personality through counseling and support networks.

Commitment to Family: Deeply values her role as a guardian to Aurelia, which motivates her to balance her professional and personal responsibilities effectively.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

Empathetic: Deeply understands and connects with the emotions of others, providing comfort and support.

Resilient: Able to endure and recover quickly from difficult situations, both personally and professionally.

Intelligent: Possesses a keen intellect and quick thinking, especially valuable in medical emergencies.

Loyal: Highly dedicated and trustworthy, consistently putting the needs of her colleagues and loved ones first.

Calm Under Pressure: Maintains composure and clear thinking in high-stress environments, ensuring effective decision-making.


Overburdened: Struggles to balance the demands of her career and guardianship, often leading to emotional and physical exhaustion.

Emotionally Guarded: Tends to bottle up her own emotions, making it difficult for her to seek help or express vulnerability.

Self-Sacrificing: Puts others' needs before her own to a fault, sometimes neglecting her own well-being.

Difficulty Delegating: Has a hard time delegating responsibilities, which can lead to burnout and inefficiency.

Perfectionistic: Sets very high standards for herself and can be overly critical, leading to unnecessary stress and frustration.
Ambitions Excel in Her Starfleet Medical Career: Astrid aims to become one of the most respected and accomplished medical officers in Starfleet. She aspires to contribute significantly to medical research, develop innovative treatments, and mentor the next generation of Starfleet medical professionals. Her ultimate goal is to lead a medical ship, combining her passion for exploration with her dedication to saving lives.

Provide a Stable and Loving Home for Aurelia: Astrid is deeply committed to giving Aurelia the best possible upbringing, despite the challenges of their unique situation. She wants to ensure that Aurelia grows up feeling loved, supported, and secure, helping her navigate the complexities of her mixed heritage and intense emotions. Astrid dreams of seeing Aurelia flourish both academically and personally, equipped to pursue her own dreams and ambitions.
Hobbies & Interests Reading and Research: Astrid loves spending her free time reading, particularly medical journals, scientific literature, and space exploration novels. Her passion for learning and staying updated with the latest advancements in her field drives this hobby.

Physical Activity: To maintain her physical fitness and mental well-being, Astrid enjoys activities such as running, hiking, and yoga. These activities help her manage stress and stay grounded.

Drawing: Astrid has a creative side and often expresses herself through drawing. She enjoys sketching various subjects, from anatomical diagrams to landscapes, which provides a relaxing outlet for her artistic talents.

Nature Exploration: Despite her demanding career, Astrid has a deep appreciation for nature. She loves exploring new planets and environments during shore leave, observing flora and fauna, and enjoying the tranquility of natural settings.

Socializing and Bonding: Astrid values her social connections deeply. She enjoys spending time with friends and colleagues, sharing stories, and forming meaningful relationships. This extends to her role as a guardian, where she dedicates time to bonding with Aurelia through shared activities and quality time together.
Languages Spoken Astrid is fluent in English and has learned a bit of Vulcan to better understand and support her goddaughter, Aurelia. This linguistic ability helps her navigate the cultural nuances of Aurelia's mixed heritage.

Background Starfleet Personnel Dossier: Lt. Cmdr. Astrid Nyx

Name: Astrid Nyx
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Position: Chief Medical Officer
Birthdate: May 27, 2363
Place of Birth: Taras, Varda Prime
Languages: English, Basic Vulcan

Personal History:

Early Life: Astrid was born and raised in Taras, Varda Prime, an isolationist colony known for its harsh environment and deliberate distancing from the Federation. Her father, Callum Nyx, died under mysterious circumstances when she was young, and her mother, Thalia, worked tirelessly to provide for them. Thalia’s work, including taking up prostitution to pay the bills, ensured Astrid could have a better life. Despite the hardships, Astrid’s mother instilled strong values of resilience and empathy in her.

Starfleet Recommendation: At the age of fifteen, Astrid's life took a significant turn when she rescued a Starfleet commander who was the sole survivor of an away mission accident. Impressed by her courage and quick thinking, the commander recommended Astrid for Starfleet. She worked diligently for the next two years to pass the entrance exams, demonstrating her determination and capability.

Starfleet Academy: Transitioning to the strict structure of the Academy was exceptionally difficult for Astrid, who was effectively homeschooled and self-taught. Her initial struggle with the regimented environment was overcome through the strong network of friends she formed, particularly her best friend Edwin Wainwright. Their support, guidance, and shared resources were instrumental in her success. Instructors described her as diligent, compassionate, and a natural leader.

Edwin Wainwright: Edwin’s tragic death three years ago deeply affected Astrid. He had a tryst with a Vulcan during shore leave, resulting in a daughter, Aurelia. With Edwin's passing, Astrid became Aurelia’s guardian, a role she embraced with dedication and love. This responsibility has added complexity to her life but also brought out her nurturing side.

Professional Challenges: Balancing her career and guardianship has been challenging. Colleagues have noted Astrid’s ability to maintain professionalism and dedication despite these added responsibilities. Her commitment to providing a stable home for Aurelia while excelling in her medical duties has earned her admiration and respect from her peers.


Starfleet Medical Achievement Award: Awarded for developing innovative treatment methods and contributing significantly to medical research.

Commendation for Bravery and Outstanding Service: Recognized for exceptional performance during emergency medical response missions, displaying courage and quick decision-making skills under pressure.


Further Leadership Training: Encouraged to pursue advanced leadership training to prepare for potential future roles in Starfleet medical command.

Emotional Support Systems: Recommended to continue utilizing counseling services and support networks to manage the emotional demands of her dual roles as a Starfleet officer and guardian.
Service Record Starfleet Academy: Entered at age 17 and graduated with honors in 2384, specializing in xenobiology and emergency medicine. Notable for her academic excellence and strong interpersonal skills, forming valuable connections with peers and instructors.

USS Valkyrie (2384-Present): Began service as an Assistant Medical Officer and later promoted to Chief Medical Officer. Demonstrated exceptional performance in high-pressure situations, earning commendations for bravery and quick thinking during multiple crises. Recognized for her leadership, medical expertise, and ability to manage a diverse medical team effectively.

Professional Skills:

Xenobiology and Trauma Surgery: Expert in diagnosing and treating a wide range of alien species and handling complex surgical procedures.

Medical Research: Proficient in conducting medical research, developing innovative treatment methods, and staying updated with the latest advancements in medical science.

Patient Care and Team Leadership: Skilled in providing compassionate care to patients and leading medical teams with a focus on high standards and effective communication.

Current Assignment:
USS Valkyrie: Serving as Chief Medical Officer, Astrid oversees all medical operations, ensuring the health and well-being of the crew. Her responsibilities include conducting advanced medical research, managing the medical team, and providing top-tier patient care. Her leadership and expertise are integral to the successful operation of the USS Valkyrie's medical bay.

Assignment Request:
USS Fenrir: Astrid has requested reassignment to the USS Fenrir, citing the Norway class starship's superior family accommodations as a significant factor. This move is aimed at providing a more stable and supportive environment for her ward, Aurelia, while continuing to fulfill her duties as a Chief Medical Officer.
Medical History General Health: Astrid Nyx maintains excellent overall health, attributed to a balanced lifestyle that includes regular physical activity, a nutritious diet, and proactive medical care. Her Starfleet medical records reflect a high level of fitness necessary for the demands of her duties as a Chief Medical Officer.

Medical Conditions:

Environmental Allergies: Astrid has developed a condition akin to asthma, triggered by specific environmental allergens unique to certain planets and starship atmospheres. These allergens cannot be completely mitigated through standard Starfleet medical technology. Symptoms include shortness of breath and occasional wheezing, managed effectively with prescribed medication and inhalers during exposure to these environments.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs): Astrid has had a few instances of sexually transmitted infections, all of which were promptly and effectively treated. She maintains regular health screenings to ensure her continued well-being.


Childhood Injury: Suffered a broken arm at age 12 due to a fall. The injury healed without complications, and there have been no long-term effects.

Academy Training Accident: Sustained a minor concussion during an Academy training exercise. Fully recovered with no lasting effects.

Away Mission Incident: Involved in a minor shuttle crash during an away mission, resulting in bruises and a sprained ankle. Received prompt medical attention and recovered quickly.

Mental Health:

Counseling for Trauma: Following the death of her best friend Edwin and assuming guardianship of his daughter Aurelia, Astrid sought counseling to manage grief and the added responsibilities. Regular sessions have helped her maintain emotional stability and cope with the challenges of her dual roles.

Stress Management: Given the high-stress nature of her position and personal responsibilities, Astrid practices Qi Gong to manage stress effectively and maintain her physical and mental well-being.

Preventive Care:

Routine Check-ups: Astrid adheres to a strict schedule of routine medical check-ups and preventive care screenings, ensuring early detection and management of any potential health issues.

Vaccinations and Inoculations: Up-to-date on all required vaccinations and inoculations as per Starfleet medical protocols.

Lifestyle and Fitness:

Physical Activity: Engages in regular physical activities such as running, hiking, and Qi Gong to maintain fitness and mental well-being.

Diet: Follows a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoids excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption.