
In 2391, the USS Fenrir set out with a new Captain and crew. Their mission? To seek out new alliances and become a beacon for the Federation's ideals across the galaxy. The valiant Norway-class vessel must face down the untold dangers of space while upholding the hopes and dreams of the United Federation of Planets; people of every creed working together for a safer, brighter and more inclusive future.

With such a bold mission, it will never be plain sailing. Challenges will arise, old enemies will resurface and in every union there are people willing to put ambition over principle. It's a brave new world out there; who will be daring enough to carry the banner of Starfleet?

Proud members of Theta Fleet.
Part of Task Force 23, for Roddenberry/Berman Trek sims that include canon from TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT and the movies up to and including Nemesis.
For more information, please see our FAQ.


Latest News Items

» Chief Engineer onboard!

Posted on Wed Sep 18th, 2024 @ 8:49pm by Commander Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon in General News

Hi all,

We're very happy to announce our new Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Rosaleen O'Donnell, has joined us! Big thanks to those who started warming the warp core up, continue what you're doing under some great supervision!

We also like to announce that we got the Award of Merit for August! Great work everyone.

Commander Hanlon

» Next Mission Phase

Posted on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 9:03pm by Commander Scarlet Blake in General News


I just wanted to give a quick update to let you all know that we'll be starting the next phase of this mission on Tuesday.

We'll be starting up the bigger group JPs that will take place during week 2 of our mission timeline. So expect shipwide inspections, systems tests and training posts.

You will still be free to write and post JPs that are set in Week 1, all missions days will be available for you to continue meet and greet, moving in and general shenanigan posts.


» New Chief Science Officer

Posted on Tue Jun 11th, 2024 @ 7:23pm by Commander Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon in General News

Hi all,

Please welcome Lieutenant August Hobbes to Fenrir, our new Chief Science Officer! So now if you see any anomalies, discover new bacteria or anything like that...you know who to contact!

Commander Hanlon

» New Chief Medical Officer

Posted on Thu Jun 6th, 2024 @ 9:02pm by Commander Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon in General News

Hi all,

Please welcome Lieutenant Astrid Nyx, our new Chief Medical Officer. We are expecting everyone to go for their check ups before the ship leaves Mars Station. Anyone who doesn't will need to go to the First Officer and explain why sickbays are scary places...

Many thanks,
Commander Hanlon

» New Chief Flight Control Officer

Posted on Tue May 28th, 2024 @ 7:54am by Commander Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon in General News

Hi all!

A big welcome to our new Chief Flight Control Officer, Lieutenant Azree Kar! With a pilot, we know we will at least be able to leave the shipyards.

Commander Hanlon

Latest Mission Posts

» Fading Into The Future

Mission: To Boldly Go
Posted on Thu Sep 19th, 2024 @ 12:06am by Lieutenant Rosaleen O'Donnell

She was alone.

For the first time in years she did not feel the comforting presences that had been her constant companions. With distance came the inevitable dissolution of the links which bound them together. With distance, that which brought her so much joy...so much comfort...slowly faded away. Her voice…

» Old Scars

Mission: To Boldly Go
Posted on Tue Sep 17th, 2024 @ 7:32pm by Lieutenant Azree Kar & Lieutenant Astrid Nyx


Azree walked off of the bridge after her first duty shift. The Trill had spent the entire time running flight control system checks. All she really could do since she couldn't fly the Fenrir yet. She still needed to do more, but she'd get to that at her next…

» Unbroken Wings

Mission: To Boldly Go
Posted on Mon Sep 16th, 2024 @ 11:02pm by Staff Warrant Officer Oliver Sylver & Lieutenant Azree Kar


The USS Fenrir was a different sort of ship. The ship he had come from, the Washington, had been large and at times difficult to handle. An explorer. The Norway class was a different sort of ship, most likely easier to handle. Quicker, smaller...half the size of a Galaxy…

» "Through early morning fog I see..." Part 8 of 8

Mission: To Boldly Go
Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 1:08am by Chief Warrant Officer Alexion Wylde & Civilian Laeon Wylde

:: 2365 - 26 years prior to current time
Three days after the events in Part 7
USS Prudence ::

The group of survivors from the Wylde shuttle were in various states, laid out on biobeds on the Starfleet ship. They’d eventually been picked up after some kind of miracle…

» "Through early morning fog I see..." Part 7 of 8

Mission: To Boldly Go
Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 1:02am by Chief Warrant Officer Alexion Wylde

:: 2365 - 26 years prior to current time
A couple of days after the events in Part 6
Capital City of Sol, Vaeron ::

Stepping out onto the intimidating, sweeping path that led up to the mansion, Alexion just stopped and stared at his father’s home...the home he had…

Latest Personal Logs

» The Road So Far: Aria Rice [4/4]

Posted on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 10:38pm by Lieutenant JG Aria Rice

Place: USS Nova, Somewhere in the Alpha Quadrant
Year 2388

I love myself today
Not like yesterday
I'm cool, I'm calm
I'm gonna be okay! - Bif Naked, ‘I Love Myself Today’

Ensign Aria Rice smiled as she materialised on the USS Nova. Her first ship, in space. Like, really…

» The Road So Far: Aria Rice [3/4]

Posted on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 10:38pm by Lieutenant JG Aria Rice

Place: Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth, Sol System
Year: 2387

You can see her
whenever it rains
From Rome to New Orleans
dancing on the graves
Burden by the heart she loves her
sunglasses after dark
And every single day her
little life falls apart - The 69 Eyes, ‘Gothic…

» The Road So Far: Aria Rice [2/4]

Posted on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 10:37pm by Lieutenant JG Aria Rice

Place: Selene City, Luna, Sol System
Year: 2383

I point my finger, take the blame
And this time I will only name
Because nobody is going to ruin me
If I have to, I will ruin myself
And it will be my ruin… - My Ruin, ‘Terror’

Taking another sip…

» The Road So Far: Aria Rice [1/4]

Posted on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 10:35pm by Lieutenant JG Aria Rice

Place: Selene City, Luna, Sol System
Year: 2373

Snow can wait, I forgot my mittens
Wipe my nose, get my new boots on
I get a little warm in my heart when I think of winter
I put my hand in my father's glove. - Tori Amos, ‘Winter’

Her white…

» Space Rat

Posted on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 2:59pm by Petty Officer 3rd Class Constantin Vansen

[[USS Carolina, Sol System, 3 weeks before Mars Station]]

“So, you are abandoning us for…what, a Norway class? That isn’t even launching for a month?” the woman leant against the wall, her long dark hair covering a bare, tanned shoulder. She seemed unashamed in her undressed state, dark eyes watching…