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First and Second

Posted on Fri May 24th, 2024 @ 10:06pm by Commander Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon & Lieutenant Commander Christopher Evans
Edited on on Sat Jun 8th, 2024 @ 8:47pm

1,160 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go
Location: Mars Station
Timeline: Day 2 - before the crew board the Fenrir


Commander Kit Hanlon looked at the PADD in his hand with the name of the Chief Operations Officer, and the Second Officer. He was trying to find the man and made his way to where the computer had put him: Ship observation. Which was a fancy name for a viewing lounge where you could bring up the status of various ships and their refits or repairs. Only people of certain ranks or positions could access it, which told Kit it would be filled with Chief Operations and Chief Engineers impatiently waiting for repairs to be done, so they could go on their ships and check for themselves. Kit knew, he had been one of those Chief Engineers in his time.

Lieutenant Commander Christopher Evans was, what Kit would call, a child of Starfleet. Born and raised on Starships. Most likely spent more time in space than on a planet. The sort of man who had Starfleet in his veins. Not like Kit in other words. Kit was an Earther, born there, raised there, who loved Starfleet as an adult. Evans had clearly loved it since his first breath.

Kit's combadge allowed him into the lounge and he smiled at the amount of mustard uniforms there. There were round consoles where holograms could be shown showing in real time the repairs or refits. Each console had the name of the ship. The Fenrir showed in all her glory to the left, third console. And by it was a man who Kit would call...rather good looking. He had an inch and maybe ten pounds on Kit, a frame that showed an enjoyment of exercise and neatly cut hair.

"Lieutenant Commander Evans," Kit walked over, giving the other man a friendly smile. "I'm Commander Kit Hanlon, USS Fenrir's First Officer. Wanted to introduce myself."

Christopher had been doing some last minute modifications to some of the systems when he when his superior officer approached. Returning the Commanders smile “Chris Evan’s as you already know. Ships Chief Operations Officer” he added quickly.

"Good to meet you, Commander," Kit's voice was warm with genuine good cheer at meeting the other man. He looked at the screen, giving a small nod. "Already getting your fingerprints over her systems?" He wasn't going to lie, he had been looking up the warp core specs on his way over to Mars Station so he understood the want to get familiar with a ship and implement the improvements that had been highlighted by experience.

“Yes sir” Evans smiled “figured I better get to know her.” The Operations Officer let out a giggle “I’ve found throughout my years the techs are in a hurry and some times miss things” Chris wasn’t judging or pointing fingers but if this was going to be his assignment, his home for the foreseeable future he wanted it running the best it could.

"I feel you," Kit said with a smile, gesturing to the screen. "I was an Engineer before I took the red, it's...always good to make sure that things are done right. We got some days on the ship for tests." He paused, looking at the other man, studying him. "I read your file. You have some good experience under your belt, as a Second Officer too."

“Yes sir” there was a smile that flashed across Christopher’s face, it was nice to have hard work recognized. “I try to help out when and where I can sir.”

"Good, we will need that," Kit said lightly, smiling to him. "And you can call me Hanlon. And Kit, off duty. Whichever you want." He paused before he looked over at the image of the ship. "She's a beauty. I know many don't like the look of the Norway class but I've found them sturdy ships."

“Negative opinion about ship design usually come from people who’ve never stepped foot on the design they have so much to complain about” Evans smiled “but I’ll be honest, I’m looking forward to seeing what she has in her.”

"Oh, we'll be onboard soon," he assured Evans, an almost excited look on his face. "And once we are, we can put her through the paces..." he took a moment just to imagine it before he glanced at the other man. "Our Captain, this is her first Command. Might take a little time for her to get used to it. I've heard switching from First Officer to Captain can be a little bit of...a journey."

“I’ll keep that in mind” Chris smiled but was feeling a little nervous for the Captain. “I’m sure the Captain will do a fine job but I can imagine how that would be difficult. I’ve had the conn before but no longer than a day or so at a time” he admitted.

"Same here, just a shift or when the Captain went on an away team," Kit admitted, shaking his head. "A bit of a change between occasionally to...this is your life. Oh, and the lives of everyone else..." he chuckled, shaking his head.

“No pressure” Evans flashed a smile at his superior.

"Oh, pressure," Kit's eyes shone with good humour. "Now, I know we're slowly getting people over the next week, so hopefully you'll get your department together shortly. We also have an Exchange Officer in Engineering who I am sure you will work closely with. Lieutenant Amari."

"I'm looking forward to working with Lieutenant Amari" Evans replied with a smile "and I'll try and have everything in order for the Operations department far before we are scheduled to depart, sir." He wanted the First Officer to have confidence in his abilities.

"Good," Kit smiled as he gave a nod of approval. "If you need anything, let me know. We should be fully equipped, but you never know what gets missed off the inventory lists."

“Yes sir I’ll double check supplies in time to get anything we are missing from the station.” Chris knew all to well that things could be missed and he was trying to make a good first impression.

Kit nodded as he watched him. He liked him, he was confident they would work well together. "Or...give it to your Assistant Chief, or someone in department. Inventory lists are dull...even by Starfleet standards," he said in a joking voice. Except a part of him meant it.

Chris smiled “I’ll do just that. I’m hoping Starfleet has put together a competent crew.”

"I am sure they will...anyone who isn't up for it just needs the right mentoring," Kit said and chuckled before offering his hand to the other man. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Evans. Let me know if you want to grab a meal in the mess sometimes. Or a card game."

“Will do, sir” Chris smiled and took the offered hand.



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