
A long nap

Posted on Fri May 17th, 2024 @ 5:40am by Lieutenant Commander Christopher Evans

414 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go

The last few days had been rather boring for Lieutenant Commander Christopher Evans. He has been waiting for clearance to board his new assignment. “The USS Fenrir. Norway class” he said with a smile on his face. It was a class of ship he had never served on and that was exciting to the Operations Officer.

It also meant he had a lot of studying to do. Chris had the idea that you can never know to much about the ship you are serving aboard. So far he knew the basic specifications “twelve decks, cruise speed warp six and a half, two shuttle bays.” He was speaking out loud but there was no one there. Sitting in his temporary quarters on the station just waiting.

The positive thing about being stationary over the last few days, Chris had time to chat with his parents. Sub space wasn’t the same as seeing them face to face but it was better than not at all. They were good people and fine officers and he wanted to make them proud.

He got up and got a beverage from the replicator “cold ice sweet tea” was the drink that appeared before him. Taking a nice drink “it’s good but not home made” Chris said and went back to his console. There were only a few reports he had been made privy too. All of which were about the ships operational status. The one he just finished let Chris know that the technicians had just finished final diagnostics on all the sensors.

Chris wasn’t sure if he was lucky or if it was sad that he didn’t have many personal belongings to move to the Fenrir with him. However he usually made friend easily and hoped he fit in well with both the First Officer and Captain but only time would tell.

Another sip of sweet tea and Chris sat down on the sofa with his glass on the table in front of him. His plan was to read some fiction but managed to doze off for four hours before waking up startled. “What the… computer time.”

“It is twenty two hundred” come the reply in the voice he had grown a custom to hearing over the years.

“Damn, that was a long nap” Chris mumbled picking his book up off the floor. He noticed the ice had melted in his beverage and the layer of lighter liquid floating on the darker tea.



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Comments (1)

By Commander Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon on Fri May 17th, 2024 @ 6:29pm

First post of the sim! Congrats and yes, indeed...that was a long nap for Chris ;)