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May the wind be always at your back...

Posted on Sat May 25th, 2024 @ 12:23am by Commander Scarlet Blake & Vice Admiral Hiroshi Takahaya

2,232 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go
Location: Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Timeline: Day 1 - before the crew board the Fenrir


The Vice-Admiral's office was a large room with the reinforced viewscreens to be able to observe the ships in drydock, docked and being worked on. From this distance, the people working on the outside hull looked like ants crawling over rocks - so small and insignificant. It was a view that unsettled Vice Admiral Hiroshi Takahaya more than it calmed him. The calmness came from the wall of plants, acting both as a way of oxygenating the room and calming the dark-haired man's nerves when the vastness of space suddenly seemed to strangle him. It happened on occasion and he blamed it on being stationary; it had never been an issue when he had been serving on a ship, or commanding one.

He was not an impressive looking man at first glance. On the shorter side of average for a human, dark hair that was greying in places and a face that seemed like it had been carved out in wood. He could easily have been dismissed as your average middle-aged man, possibly in something not very physical. But the brown eyes were filled with quick intelligence and the stillness hid bursts of energy that most would have thought more fitting for another uniform.

No, Hiroshi Takahaya had gotten a reputation on him over the years. The Man in the Ring, who refused the cosier positions on planets to stay in space, close to the ships being repaired and the changes of the guard. He had become the man whose hand you shook when you were picking up your new ship. So his door had seen many newly minted Captains, and to each he would impart some wisdom before sending them on their way.

And while Hiroshi would pretend he had barely glanced at the new Captains' service records, he had read everything and committed it to memory. Like the new Captain of the USS Fenrir, the Norway-class ship currently having the ants crawling over her hull. He had read her service record with interest and fascination. Yes, he was looking forward to meeting her. To meet the eyes of the woman who had once lived with the Marquis, who had been a Marine, a psychologist, a counselor, a First Officer, who had taught at the Academy, who was a mother.

The chime of the office door interrupted the stillness, but it was followed by long moments of silence as the new Captain remained patiently on the other side of the door until called.

"Come in," Hiroshi called out, a small smile coming to him. He stood, watching the doors open.

The newly appointed starship Captain moved in at the call. Commander Scarlet Blake's shoulders were pulled straight in a classic military stance as she came to a standstill in the middle of the Admiral's office. Despite the rigidness of her presence, her blue eyes glanced around the room with curiosity. This was her first time meeting the Admiral, despite his reputation having preceded him.

If she was nervous, it didn't show. Her features kept their customary cool, calm expression, making it difficult to know what she was thinking. The way she liked it. Throughout the years, she'd learned that it was one of her most valuable tools.

Otherwise, she looked immaculate, as may be expected from someone from a marine background who, for all intents and purposes, was presenting themselves for inspection. Her uniform was neat, her long dark hair was pinned back in a simple but efficient style and her hands were clasped firmly behind her back. "Commander Scarlet Blake, Sir."

Hiroshi walked around the desk to her, offering his hand to her as he held her eyes. "I am Vice-Admiral Hiroshi Takahaya. Congratulations on your new command, Captain Blake." The handshake was customary, something he remembered from his first time as a Captain. Perhaps a little outdated now. It was a way to recognise that someone had joined the upper levels, that they now should hold the same respect. For him, after so many years in Starfleet, it felt natural. At first, it hadn't.

A small smile pulled at Scarlet's lips despite her best efforts to remain inscrutable. She took the offered hand, giving a firm shake as she met his eyes with respect and gratitude. "Thank you, Admiral. It feels even more special being back in Sol for it."

"Hm," he nodded, a small smile coming to him at the honesty of the words. Not all would admit so easily that it felt good to be back in the Sol System. "I have always liked the familiarity of Sol," he said when he realised she could misinterpret the noise he had made. "Take a seat, Captain. We have some things to discuss about your new command."

Scarlet nodded briskly, moving to take the offered seat with a small, curious smile, resting her elbow on the arm of her chair as she leant against it. "I've been told surprisingly little." Well, it had been surprising to her at least. Maybe it was common practice.

"Ah, we must keep some mystery, or else people will think there's nothing to being an Admiral," Hiroshi said lightly as he watched her. "We are expecting the Fenrir to be finished in two weeks. That timeline also allows for inspections and systems test. She has had a complete refit. Some would say overdue with a Norway class, I personally think we were waiting for the right sort of person to come along to take command."

"And what was it that you were expecting?" she asked softly but bluntly, cutting to the chase of what was between his lines.

The small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he watched her. He leant back, taking her in. "We needed someone with backbone. It is time that we continue our true mission. There has been long enough since the war and the Borg. The Federation is always expanding, looking to new allies. Your ship is not a flagship. You will not have the deep exploration missions either. We need our new Captains to continue the mission of Starfleet. New alliances. Helping our member planets...helping those who need help, regardless." He stopped and stood, moving to the viewscreen to look at the USS Fenrir. "You'll command a firecracker of a ship. Well armed, decent size...but on a mission of peace. Not war." He looked at her, studying her closely. "You have a reputation of having strong morals, Blake. And you know too well the cost of war and conflict. Yet you have never compromised Starfleet's codes."

Blake was silent as she took the words in. It might not look like it, but her heart beat a little harder at the prospect. It was music to her ears. No hidden agenda? It was difficult to believe after everything she'd seen and done. But he was speaking with the kind of sincerity that was hard to deny. "That's what I'm here to represent, Admiral," she replied bluntly. "It's part of the deal."

He took a deeper breath as he turned to face her. "Good," he said, his voice carrying weight to it. "It is the hardest path, to do what is right yet fulfil what Starfleet and the Federation expects of you. Now, for your ship, it comes down to you to navigate those waters."

Blake held his eyes for a long moment, able to feel the weight of his words hanging in the atmosphere. He was talking about the intricate dance required to balance diplomacy, the safeguarding of a ship and crew, and the Prime Directive. But the way he said it made it feel like...there was more. "And...what do *you* expect of me?"

Hiroshi looked at her, pleased she had asked the question. "To do better," he said, his voice gentle. He walked to his desk and sat down, folding his hands. "Better than those before you, to learn from their mistakes. Because Starfleet and the Federation is not infallible. The Dominion War showed that. And even now, there are some Captains that believe it has not ended, who act as if we are still in those dark years. Do better. Show that the Federation deserved to survive."

The silence stretched as Scarlet let his words sink in. It was time to live the peace. "I understand," she replied quietly and bluntly, holding his eyes so he could see that she meant it.

He gave a small nod at her words. He could tell she understood. He had a good feeling about this Captain Scarlet Blake. "Your transfer requests were approved," he finally said and took a PADD, offering it over. "And I have added your First Officer's service record to it, for you to read. Not all crew will have arrived yet. For now, the refit is almost complete. You have two weeks to get yourself and your crew familiar with the ship and do any system tests you want before you leave for your first mission."

Blake glanced down over the padd, bringing up the record of her First Officer, more than just a little curious. But she didn't recognise his picture. She was pretty positive she hadn't come across him before. "We'll be ready," she said firmly, her head tilting down a little with it as she met his eyes.

Hiroshi nodded, giving her a small smile. "Do you have any question for me, Captain Blake?" he asked, in case there was anything else she wanted to bring up.

"Why a Norway Class?" Scarlet asked, her genuine interest showing in the way her eyes narrowed slightly, despite her usual stoicism.

"Because they have the advantage of space. For evacuation. For cargo..." he met her eyes, holding them for a moment in seriousness before he smiled. And there might even have been something sly in it. "A work horse class that can stand on their own if they need to, and often they have. But also, the space allows for community. Best foot forward and all that. If we were preparing for conflict, we would have made larger Defiant-style vessels. The Norway though, has a lot of the same qualities, but mostly it has the things a community needs. Classrooms, social areas...anyone we encounter can see us not as an organisation of war, but of community."

Blake absorbed the words, finding the analysis pleasantly refreshing. She could see why he had risen to Admiral. He was good at the whole hearts and minds thing. "I have a little girl who will be very pleased to hear that," she admitted softly.

Hiroshi nodded at the words. "It wasn't a consideration when you got the position but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that in your notes. There will be other families on the ship as well. I have always found it improves people's work and life balance. Whenever it isn't arranged for children or childcare, you end up with families split up...which means you always worry."

"And I'd never allow that to happen," Scarlet replied firmly, leaving no doubt to the truth of her words. She also happened to agree with him. It was why she'd left the Marines afterall. She could never have served there and raised Lily alone, not in reality. But Starfleet was an explorative force, not a military one. And whilst warships were unfortunately needed for matters of defence, they were avoidable for someone in her position.

He watched her for a moment before he nodded, with approval. "I hope that you will join me for dinner while you're here. And bring your daughter, if she doesn't find it too boring," he said and stood, knowing the newly minted Captain must be eager to get back to focusing on her ship. Yet he also wanted to make sure she knew she was now part of a different side of Starfleet, where social dinners were a requirement as opposed to something you did for fun. And he liked getting to know the Captains that they sent out, on a personal level, as people.

Scarlet covered her surprise quickly. His assumption that she might not be as well versed in the social side of the higher ranks was correct. She nodded all the same though, a slight chuckle escaping. "It would be more whether you are prepared for the noise and chaos a young girl can bring in her wake..."

"I have a daughter myself," he said, a small smile coming to him as he thought about it. "I do not mind any chaos that comes with it, in fact I miss it. Although mine has stopped causing me that sort of chaos for about fifteen years, ever since she grew up."

"So it does eventually happen then," Blake replied, a small smile of amusement breaking through at the subject turning to Lily.

"It does, yet you miss it every day," Hiroshi said with a small, wistful smile. "I look forward to meeting her, Captain Blake."

Scarlet took a slight breath at hearing 'Captain Blake' come so easily to his lips. She'd be lying if she said this wasn't what she had aspired to. On the contrary, it had always been part of the plan once she'd made the move from Marines to Fleet. But the reality of it was still quite something. "We'll be there, Sir."



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