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Mon Jul 1st, 2024 @ 3:34am

Lieutenant Commander Christopher Evans

Name Christopher Evans

Position Chief Operations Officer

Second Position Second Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Place of Birth USS Cabot
Age 36
Date of Birth April 15, 2356

Physical Appearance

Height 6’ 1”
Weight 196 lbs
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description A tall and fit man, Christopher has been told he is rather handsome. He always keeps his hair cut well within regulations and starts his day with a tidy uniform. Off duty Chris usually dresses pretty casual.


Mother Admiral Sara Evans, MD - Starfleet Medical - Starbase 121
Father Admiral Michael Evans - Commanding Officer - Starbase 121

Personality & Traits

General Overview Christopher Evans is a loyal Starfleet officer. When off duty he likes to have fun and visit with friends, however he takes his duty very seriously. The safety of his Captain and crew are one of his priorities and he quickly gets to know the ship he serves on schematics like the back of his hand.
Strengths & Weaknesses Chris is not only a loyal friend but a loyal Starfleet Officer. One of his strengths is how well he adapts to the situation. Evans is a well rounded bridge officer and can step into the temporary role of First or Commanding Officer if need be.

Lieutenant Commander Evans has never been great treating the wounded or helping out with many matters in sick bay, out side his scope of practice. Chris has been told he is often to fair to those stationed under him and offers them to many second chances.

Ambitions Lieutenant Commander Christopher Evan’s would like to continue his way up the Starfleet ladder. Up to at least the center seat of a starship, even perhaps following in his parents foot stops and into admiralty.
Hobbies & Interests Chris enjoys working out to stay in shape and release stress. Cardio, weight training, running he would try it all and enjoyed having a work out buddy. Chris also enjoys several forms of martial arts and staying up on the latest from Starfleet Engineering.
Languages Spoken Federation standard and klingon

Background Chris Evans was a typical kid as far as a kid growing up on a Federation starship. After his general studies he entered Starfleet Academy, like many that have parents who were officers. His focus was on starship operations and design, which he was good at.

After graduation from the Academy the Ensign was thrown right into the mix of things, assigned as an Operations Officer aboard the older Excelsior-class USS Bradford. It was one of the last of its class still in service and had a few years left in her. By the time the Bradford was retired Chris had made the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade.

Chris would be reassigned to the USS Harper and he was excited. One of the fleets Nebula-class starships and he was a bridge officer and Assistant Chief Operations Officer. Lieutenant Junior Grade Evan’s earned the respect of the Harper’s Captain and with in a few months was often left as the officer in charge of the bridge on the late shift. Evan’s would “tinker” with the power systems of the Nebula-class USS Harper and increase efficiency of the power regulators by five percent and shield generators maximum capacity by 2.789% which might not seem like much but sometimes every bit counts.

When the USS Harper’s Chief Operations Officer was promoted and given the role of First Officer aboard another vessels it was recommended Mister Evan’s be his replacement. The Captain agreed and the now Lieutenant Christopher Evan’s was the Harper’s Chief Operations Officer.

Chris would spend the next several years as an instructor at Starfleet Academy, after a promotion to full Lieutenant. He really enjoyed his time instructing Starfleet’s next line of officers, but he also missed being out among the stars and in the action. Although while on Earth he had plenty of free time and went n several dates, which his southern accent and charm helped him there. One good thing that came out of his time at Starfleet Academy was that the now Lieutenant Commander had sat for the command cruise and passed it with decent marks.

Lieutenant Commander Christopher Evans was reassigned after asking to leave Earth. This time the USS Razorback, a Defiant-class starship where Lieutenant Commander Evans filled the role of Chief Operations Offices.. Things were slightly rocky at first, but Chris worked out the kinks quickly and did quite well in the role. After several mo this together the Captain asked Chris to be his Second Officer and of course Chris accepted. The crew of the Razorback grew quite close over their time serving together, but the ship was damaged on a patrol mission and the crew reassigned. Starfleet couldn’t let experienced officers sit doing nothing for months at a time.

Lieutenant Commander Evans was transferred to a new assignment as ship's Chief Operations Officer and with the recommendation of his former Captain Second Officer. His new home would be aboard the Norway class USS Finrir.