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Masters medical

Posted on Fri Aug 9th, 2024 @ 2:35am by Lieutenant Astrid Nyx & Lieutenant Commander Daniel Masters

1,128 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go
Location: Deck 7 sickaby
Timeline: Day 1-3

Standing outside the doors of sickbay Daniel paused, he was only slightly nervous. There were two people on this ship who could stop his assignment to the Fenrir cold in its tracks and he was seeing the first of them now. He'd seen his fare share of doctors over the years and so far he'd managed to come out with a mostly clean bill of head; at least physically.

Stretching his neck from side to side he eventually stepped inside and approached the first person he saw. "Ensign I'm looking for the chief medical officer."

The Ensign turned to face Daniel. "Lieutenant Nyx is in the office Commander." She said motioning to the far end of the room.

"Thank you." Daniel turned and headed for the office.

As Daniel approached, the door opened and another crewmember backed out of the CMO's office, looking somewhat chagrined and saying, "I promise I'll finish the intake forms, Lieutenant, I really am sorry for the trouble..."

From beyond him, a warm voice, inflected with an accent vaguely reminiscent of the old Earth 'Transatlantic' said, "Nothing to apologize for, it's all part of settling in."

The crewmember turned, smiled nervously at Daniel, and hurried off toward the exit. With the CMO's office door still open, there was now a clear line of sight between Daniel and Astrid, who was seated in a new, comfortable leather chair behind her desk. She watched the gold-shouldered man approach, trying to place his face with one of the many profiles she'd been reading through the last few days. Her gaze shifted to the PADD next to her, where her increasingly full calendar was displayed, the back-up to the man who had now reached the door.

"Commander Masters? You're a little early!" She smiled, "Anxious to get the final evaluation over with?"

"Something like that." Daniel replied. "Nice to meet you Lt Nyx."

"Likewise. Go ahead, have a seat. So, you've gone through the initial eval just fine, from what I see here." She glanced across the record of his combat wounds. There was another note in the file, some data points collected for possible referral, but she moved past them for now. "This is really just a formality, a chance to make sure that the senior staff is on the same page. After all, you'll be modeling responsible behavior for your department. I like to have a proactive approach to medical check-ups, and health in general. Better to catch things earlier than later."

Daniel sat down opposite the younger human. "I'll make sure my staff; when the rest of them actually get here, are always first in line to see you."

"Any of them have anything that I should be aware of? Beyond what's stated in the main part of the files, naturally." She made a little wave of her fingers, thinking about the sections of the Lieutenant Commander's own profile and the potential psych referrals noted there. Not something she would push on a first meeting, but this was an easy way to see how open the man was.

"I have a grand total of 3 staff right now. My assistant chief and 2 petty officers, I don't know enough about either of them yet to give you that information." Daniel replied.

"Fair enough, if something does come up, let me know. Better yet, I recommend senior staff offer a welcome package from Medical as part of their onboarding. You can ask the computer for it and just pass it along to your people." She let out a rueful chuckle. "It's generally best if people come to see me of their own accord."

Astrid settled back in her chair. "Well, that's the official stuff out of the way. So, maybe you'll be able to help me gossip? I've been dying of curiosity to learn more about the mission ahead. My briefing hasn't had anything specific in it yet. Any word coming down to security about where we'll be headed?"

Though he didn't let it show on his face Daniel was relieved, though had a feeling that Astrid would still being up his mental state just at a later date. "We're all in the dark at the minute even the boss doesn't know where we're heading." He replied shaking his head slightly.

"That's a new one for me." Astrid shook her head, thinking about the Valkyrie. "My last post was pretty autonomous inside of its mission statement. The captain took the ship where he wanted, charted his own course."

"That is unusual." Daniel said with curiosity evident. "Have never seen a Captain given that much freedom of action."

Astrid shrugged. "I never thought about it. I mean, obviously there were occasional orders from Command, but the standing orders were the rule of the day. Patrol, patrol, patrol. How we did it was up to us. Space is big." She grinned. "Hard to keep a strict chain of command."

"Hhhmmm," Daniel stroked his chin slightly. "Did plenty of patrolling on the Broadsword but it always tended to be a set patrol route. When we weren't chasing down pirates and smugglers."

"You did a lot of that, then? Chasing down pirates?"

"Yeah, during the Dominion war smuggling and piracy was getting pretty widespread with most of the usual patrol routes were barely being monitored as the ships were needed elsewhere to fight." Daniel explained. "After the war Starfleet cracked down on it pretty hard, it was nothing like fighting the Jem'Hadar but sometimes they put up a good fight."

The Dominion War's toll on the Federation had been enormous, of course. Astrid thought of all the lives so pointlessly wasted in the Founder's quest to dominate what they considered lesser life. As a doctor, the concept boggled her. She could not place herself in the shoes of people who categorized some life as worthwhile and others as worthless. Maybe she could blame that on her training as a doctor, but it seemed deeper than that.

Realizing that her tired brain was starting to fizzle, she pulled herself back to the moment with a smile. "Well, I hope we'll have an easier time of it on this mission, wherever we're sent. And... if anything comes up, or you end up feeling like anyone on your staff needs anything, my staff and I are at your disposal."

"Hopefully we will not need your services any time soon but I'm confident you can put us back together nicely if we need it." Daniel let out the lightest of chuckles, he'd given plenty of medical staff work to go on him over the years.

She let out a small laugh. "I appreciate the vote of confidence. And I hope you're right, about my services not being needed any time soon."



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