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Sat Feb 1st, 2025 @ 12:43am

Lieutenant Commander Daniel Masters

Name Daniel Masters

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Second Position N/A

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Place of Birth Vega colony
Age 36
Date of Birth March 2355

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 11"
Weight 180lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown


Spouse none
Children none
Mother Lucy Masters (kia)
Father Anthony Masters (kia
Siblings Jake Masters (younger)
Anna Masters (younger)

Personality & Traits

General Overview As a child Daniel was a exuberant but was still well disciplined being the eldest son of 2 starfleet security officers, he had a lot of that exuberance forced out of him by them and even more when he joined the academy and the dominion war happed however he isn't completely taciturn, the war is long over and brute force and ignorance doesn't give the expected result.

Extremely protective over those important to him always ready to put himself between people.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strong dislike of Cardassians
Skilled in multiple advanced combat techniques for both ground and space combat
Ambitions Wants to start a family but hasn't found the right person yet
Hobbies & Interests Keeping fit, weapons practice, crime novels, history
Languages Spoken English, some Klingon and Cardassian

Background As the son of a pair of starfleet security officers it was only natural that Daniel would enter starfleet and the moment he was old enough that is exactly what he did, in early 2371. With the dominion cold war starting slightly more emphasis was put on security and tactical training in preparation for if the war turned hot. Which only 2 years later it did.

To begin with everything at the academy remained quite normal but there was a definite atmosphere of tension, most of the graduates would be going straight to the frontlines. With the losses sustained by the federation it was decided after a heavily opposed vote that in early 2374 several batches of high performing senior year cadets would be graduated earlier than they should be and immediately assigned to starships. Daniel was one of those. Assigned to the USS Exeter he fought in 2 of the 3 disastrous counter attacks attempting to retake Betazed from the dominion.

After repairs the Exeter was assigned to one of the several fleets assigned to take the Chin’toka system, having survived the Cardassian orbital defence platforms Daniel was part of several starfleet away teams that were to support the Klingon and Romulan ground forces.

Daniel and his team fought several engagements against both Cardassian and Jem’hadar forces, during a dominion counter attack he was slashed across the shoulder and chest by a bayonet, his attacker was quickly killed by another member of the team but as he crawled to safety he was shot in the back by a jem’hadar disruptor. Miraculously he survived and after the counter attack was beaten back he was taken aboard a medical ship and amongst countless others withdrawn to a safer sector to recover.

During his 2 months of recovery and medical leave Daniel learned that his parents ship the USS Albatross had been destroyed and both his parents were assumed to be Kia. After his leave was over he was assigned to the USS Ardent and fought across the various warfronts until the battle of Cardassia. Following the end of the war and the rebuilding efforts Daniel served on several ships earning a promotion to junior and then full Lieutenant and a rise in posting to assistant chief of security on the USS Broadsword. Less than a week after his promotion to Lieutenant commander he was offered the position of chief security officer aboard the Norway class USS Fenrir.
Service Record 2371 Entered starfleet academy
Early 2374 Graduated academy early due to needs of the dominion war
2374 Promoted to Ensign assigned to USS Exeter
Late 2374 Heavily wounded during ground fighting on Chin’toka medical leave 2 months
Reassigned as security officer to USS Ardent following medical leave
2377 Promoted to Lieutenant jg
2381 Assigned as security officer to USS Serenity
2384 Promoted to full lieutenant
2387 Assigned as asst chief security USS Broadsword
2391 Promoted to Lt Commander
2391 Offered and accepted Chief sec/tac officer position USS Fenrir
Medical History Slash across left shoulder and chest, polaron disruptor wounds to back. All gained during fighting on Chin’toka.

Has not been diagnosed with Ptsd but occasionally shows symptoms associated with it.