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Introducing Chief Flight Control Officer

Posted on Sat Jul 27th, 2024 @ 2:37am by Commander Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon & Lieutenant Azree Kar
Edited on on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 9:55pm

1,019 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go
Location: Mars Station
Timeline: Day 3 - Before the Crew Board the Fenrir


Commander Hanlon at in the room he had booked for meeting the new Chief Flight Control Officer. He'd rather have done this on the ship, if only to show it off. But with a limited amount of crew accessing it, as well as the amount of people who were still working on refitting the ship and therefore would be in the way, had led him to booking a generic looking meeting room instead. The walls had pictures on it, of ship building through the ages. His eyes kept being drawn to them though, at the exposed beams, the work going into it. He looked up as the chime rang, standing out of habit and tugging down the uniform jacket. "Enter," he said, smiling as he saw the Trill enter.

Lieutenant Kar had been walking with haste before she found herself in front of the room in which she'd be meeting the new XO. It had been three years since she last reported aboard a ship, and even longer since reporting aboard to an XO. Not that the meeting would go any different anyways, besides not taking place on the Fenrir. This meant that she'd have to meet the Captain at some point.

The Trill felt nervous, or was it anxiety? Or both perhaps. She took a deep breath. It would be alright. She wasn't a cadet, or on her first posting as a commissioned officer. And it most certainly wasn't her first time reporting aboard. She took another. She took a breath in, and a breath out and entered the room as ordered.

"Lieutenant Azree Kar reporting as ordered, Commander" she reported as she stood near still in front of the desk in the room.

He smiled to her, giving her a nod. "I'm Commander Kit Hanlon, the First Officer. Please, take a seat. Do you want anything to drink?" he asked, gesturing to the comfortable looking seats.

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir" Azree stated before taking the offered seat. "I'll take a warm raktajino please."

Kit nodded, walking to the replicator. "One raktajino, warm. One coffee, black, warm," he said, watching them materialised. He carried them over and put the raktajino in front of her. "Here we go..." he took a seat, meeting her eyes. "I understand for you, this will be a bit of a transition. From Squadron Commander to Chief Flight Control Officer."

Azree nodded. "Yes sir, but it shouldn't be anything I can't handle. At my previous postings I occasionally take the helm when there wasn't any scheduled flights or any flight control staff to take the conn" she trailed off before speaking again. "Right now it's all I really can do in terms of flying, since I'm not medically cleared to fly fighters unless in extreme scenarios" she said sadly.

"And the Fenrir doesn't have fighters," Kit said with a weak smile, seeing the sadness in her. The sense of loss. This was most likely going to be an adjustment to her then. He would have to take that into consideration. "It won't be the same but if you ever feel you need to fly something smaller we do have two roundabouts...and shuttles. Nowhere the same to a fighter, even I as a non-pilot can recognise that."

"Sadly it isn't, but it's something" she added. "But the Fenrir is fast. Much of the reason why I requested a Norway for my next posting."

The smile widened at the mention of the ship and he gave a nod. "A bit faster, although still a starship. You have to tell me how she handles. I've never been very good at flying, specialism."

The Trill returned the smile. "I certainly will sir" she said before trailing off slightly. "As for piloting it does take time. I for one will need to get used to piloting a starship full time" she said before clarifying her words, "Not that I'm not capable sir, because I certainly am."

"I understand," he said, his voice gentle and his eyes honest. "You're more than capable, it's just different. Takes some getting used to, the extra weight and width and all those things you take into consideration without even thinking about it. Give yourself the time you need, despite what everyone seems to think there is actually not a race on." The last was said with a smile and he shook his head.

She smiled. "Thank you sir."

Kit nodded in acceptance of the words. "Is there any questions you have for me?" he asked before taking a sip of his coffee. "Or anything I can assist with? I am afraid that the ship is still a bit of a mess, they're working hard to get her ready in time for us to do our system checks. But as a Chief, you can go over there whenever you want before the general crew."

The redhead nodded. "Thank you sir, but I don't have anything at the moment" she smiled. "Is there anything you need from me or the Flight Control Department at the moment?"

"At the moment? Afraid we are at the mercy of our friends at the shipyards," Kit said and shook his head, considering her question. "Once all crew are allowed on ship, we will need to start the system tests. It'll be harder for you than most since we can't move, but whatever you can do would be helpful. I also suggesting testing the shuttles and roundabouts out. Make sure they didn't give us some old junk."

Azree smiled. "I will sir."

"Alright then," Kit nodded and sat back, slowly. "Do you have any questions for me about the ship, the assignment or...anything else?"

"Not at the moment sir" the Trill said honestly.

"Alright then," Kit nodded with approval. They would have time to talk, and get to know each other, in the coming days. "In which case...I look forward to working with you."

"As do I sir" the redhead smiled.


Commander Kit Hanlon
First Officer


Lieutenant Azree Kar
Chief Flight Control Officer


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