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Tue Sep 17th, 2024 @ 7:32pm

Lieutenant Azree Kar

Name Azree Kar

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Second Position N/A

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill (Unjoined)
Place of Birth Leran Manev, Trill
Age 32
Date of Birth 2359

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7
Weight 135
Hair Color Ginger
Eye Color Dark blue
Physical Description Azree Kar maintains an athletic, hourglass figure, mostly due in part to her background as a fighter pilot. She often keeps her long hair in a ponytail, sometimes in a braid and kept to one shoulder. Off duty, she wears a blank white t-shirt with black jeans tucked into black boots.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Outside of Starfleet, Azree tries to ‘take things easy’ if she can help it. This is due to her fighter crash since she nearly died. However, in uniform she is willing to do as ordered and take risks, since that is what she signed up for. She just has a better perspective of life and death, and she values it more than others.

Service Record Starfleet Academy

-2377-2378- Cadet Freshman Grade, Flight Control Studies
-2378-2379- Cadet Sophomore Grade, Flight Control Studies
-2379-2380- Cadet Junior Grade, Flight Control Studies
-2380-2380- Cadet Junior Grade, Junior Cadet Cruise, Carrier Air Wing 30 “Falcons”, USS Nimitz, Akira Class
-2380-2381- Cadet Senior Grade, Flight Control Studies
-2381-2381- Graduation from Starfleet Academy, Commissioned at the rank of Ensign, assigned to USS Nimitz, Akira Class

USS Nimitz

-2381-2383- Ensign, Fighter and Shuttlecraft Pilot, Carrier Air Wing 30 “Falcons”
-2383-2383- Promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade and Beta Flight Leader
-2383-2386- Lieutenant Junior Grade, Beta Flight Leader, Carrier Air Wing 30 “Falcons”
-2386-2386- Promotion to Lieutenant and Squadron Commander
-2386-2388- Lieutenant, Squadron Commander, Carrier Air Wing 30 “Falcons”
-2388-2388- Transfer to USS Hornet, Nebula Class

USS Hornet

-2388-2390- Lieutenant, Squadron Commander, Carrier Air Wing 55 “Ravens”
-2390-2391- Leave of Absence
-2391-2391- Transfer to USS Fenrir, Norway Class

USS Fenrir

-2391-Present- Lieutenant, Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Fenrir

Medical History Azree was lucky enough to avoid many major injuries, up until her tenure on the USS Hornet, when she experienced a near fatal fighter crash on an asteroid. If it weren’t for the crew of the Hornet, she would have died. Because of this, she is not medically cleared to fly fighter craft again, unless in extreme circumstances, or a medical breakthrough can allow her to. She also has suffered slightly from PTSD, however symptoms aren’t constant. In addition, if she were to apply to the Trill Symbiosis Commision to become joined with a Trill Symbiote, she would likely be denied, due to her injuries and PTSD.