If I knew you were coming...I'd have poured the scotch [1/2]
Posted on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 7:49pm by Commander Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon & Lieutenant Aristede Steele PsyD.
1,167 words; about a 6 minute read
To Boldly Go
Location: USS Fenrir
Timeline: Day 10, after training
It wasn't the sort of name you just ignored. Aristede. It was the sort of name you remembered if you had ever heard it. Which was a feat, considering that Kit's name was Cornelius, the sort of name you saw, remembered and most likely scoffed at. Aristede sounded a big more regal.
Of course, Kit had known the name since he was a child. Since his mother had invited one of her students for family dinner. His sisters had ignored the El Aurian because dinner had been something his Dad had tried cooking and sort of succeeded in, but it had contained vegetables so naturally they had all been miffed. But Kit? He had stared at the man with awe and pelted him with so many questions his mother had apologised on his behalf. Several times.
And now, with years of friendship behind them, meet ups and talk...Aristede was here. Here being the USS Fenrir, the ship where Kit was the First Officer. Kit considered it as he walked down the corridor, heading to the Senior Officers' Quarters. It didn't really change anything, that was the beauty of Starfleet. The rank structure allowed friendships and erased those doubts about favouritism. You were friends off duty and in a chain of command on it. He was the First Officer and obeyed the Captain, and the Chiefs obeyed him. It was the way things worked. It made life easier for many. It would for Kit as well.
He rang the chime of Lieutenant Steele's quarters, a small smile pulling on his lips. Sure, he wore his uniform but as of half an hour ago, Kit was off the clock. Off duty. But he hadn't gotten into the habit of dressing differently on and off duty yet. His last ship had encouraged always wearing the uniform, or variations of it. So he stood there in his uniform, with the pips, the trimmed facial hair...and a large grin of pure excitement.
Turning Starfleet-bland, a decorating style intended not to offend anyone (and therefore, guaranteed not to excite anyone either), into a home was a long process. Barefoot, dressed in a cashmere sweater and slacks, Aristede stood in a circle of crates, carefully unpacking some of his favorite pieces when the chime announced a visitor. Counselors tended to be avoided as though they had something contagious, especially in the early days of getting to know one another, and so, he hadn't been expecting anyone. He set the chessboard on the coffee table and called out, "Come in," as he circled the largest crate and headed toward the door.
Kit walked in as the doors opened, stepping inside. He looked at the crate, then at Aristede, smiling. "Do we need to take one of the shuttle bays in use for all of this?" he asked in a teasing voice, meeting his eyes. He looked good. But Aristede always looked good, even as a child Kit had admired the effortless elegancy of the man.
"This," Aristede said, his smile, warm and genuine, "more packing materials than actual 'stuff' and I did leave a lot in storage." He pursed his lips thoughtfully. "Why? You offering?"
Kit watched him with a small shake of his head, humour in his eyes. "Nope, don't want to get off on the wrong foot with my new Captain," he said teasingly. He took a moment just to observe him, at the lack of change in him. "It's so good to see you, Aristede."
"Good to see you too, Kit," Aristede said. "Or should I say, Commander. You've come along way from that scrawny kid with the endless supply of questions. How're your parents? Your Dad has given up his cooking attempts, I hope?"
Kit almost looked embarrassed at being described as a scrawny kid but his smile was now a grin of warmth. "He restricts it to whenever he gets the grill out...usually five minutes before it pours down with rain," he said and looked at him. "They're good. Mum says she talks to you on a regular basis, but with her that can mean once a year."
And he had come a long way. It hadn't been easy but he had. Part of it thanks to the curiosity his parents has instilled, and Aristede's willingness to engage. It had shaped him growing up.
"Nearly every week," Aristede said with a smile. "She's a fount of information, you know. Your cousins are an endless source of amusement."
"Yeah, they never get boring," Kit said with warmth, moving to sit down. His leg swung slightly, showing the almost nervous energy that he had at times, unless he had been more active. And he hadn't had the chance to go and work out yet. "You happy with this posting?" It was an odd question, he knew that, but he wanted honesty...if Aristede wasn't happy with being here, especially under Kit, he'd...want to know. So they could work through it.
"Long as I get to go on the away teams," Aristede said. "You know how much I enjoy field research. Why don't you start unpacking some of these boxes? In return, I'll make you a pot of coffee that will make you weep with pleasure."
"Yes!" Kit laughed and nodded, moving to open a box. This was a familiar routine, unpacking lives. "Away teams will be as they are...tailored to requirements and mission objectives. But don't worry...I haven't forgotten you're usually happier walking on solid ground somewhere new and excited."
"Well, deck plates of ships are solid," Aristede said, chuckling slightly. "I like to be challenged. Always have." He busied himself for a moment setting up a pot of coffee from beans he had brought with him in his carry-on. "I was going a little mad, you know. More than three years teaching cadets. Same courses over and over. Got more interesting the last year. There were a couple of cadets who weren't entirely suitable and they'd nearly made it through the academy. But that was unusual and most of what I was doing wasn't. So yes, I'm happy ... more so, because I already know both you and the Captain. I'll have to cook dinner for you some time soon."
Kit smiled as he took his time to carefully unpack Aristede's things. He was always careful around other people's stuff. His own stuff...well, if he was clumsy with it, it was only he who would start crying. He looked over at Aristede with interest as he spoke, taking it in. He was a constant, while Kit aged and changed. "You know Captain Blake?" he asked, curious as he watched him. And then he remembered. Blake had taught at the Academy too. "Should I be worried that I will be totally outclassed in the brains-department?" he joked, his eyes warm with it.
[OFF - To be continued in Part 2]
Lieutenant Aristede Steele
Chief Counselor
USS Fenrir
Commander Kit Hanlon
First Officer
USS Fenrir
By Crewman Mateo Gardel on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 8:08pm
This scene is such a great mix of warmth, humor, and history. Kit and Aristede’s friendship feels real—the kind that’s built over years of shared experiences, mutual respect, and the kind of teasing that only comes with genuine fondness. Their personalities play off each other so well—Kit’s energy and restlessness contrasted with Aristede’s easy composure makes for a dynamic that’s instantly engaging. The little details, like Aristede’s long-standing connection to Kit’s family and their easy back-and-forth about away missions and coffee, make the whole thing feel natural and lived-in. It’s exactly the kind of scene that makes a ship feel like home. Can’t wait to see more of these two!