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The Captain Will See You Now

Posted on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 3:23am by Commander Scarlet Blake & Lieutenant Aristede Steele PsyD.
Edited on on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 7:35pm

2,574 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go
Location: Captain's Ready Room, USS Fenrir
Timeline: Day 8 - PM


Starfleet, in the way it had of deciding his life for him, had given him orders to report the Fenrir as Chief Counselor rather than keep him on at the Academy another year. The realization hit him, while he packed and went through the checklist that is part of changing your duty station, that he was ready to be back out in space. Boldly going and all of that. More to learn that way. As luck would have it, he had made the connections (barely) and arrived (with all of his possessions and that was definitely a minor miracle). There had been time to change his own courses in sociology to distance-learning and even time to read on the way out. And by the time he arrived at the captain's Ready Room door, he was ready to start a new phase in his life. Almost eager. He pressed the door chime and waited for a response.

"Come in!" Blake called out, the tone distracted. The newly minted captain was looking over a collection of padds laid out across her desk. No less than five in fact. She was flicking between each, trying to magpie her way through the required reading. She wasn't convinced she was saving any time though.

Steele entered the Ready Room, his gaze taking in the surroundings as he approached the Captain's desk; a look of surprise crossed his face as he saw who sat there followed by a dawning realization. "Lieutenant Steele reporting as ..." and here he hesitated, because he wasn't at all sure, "as requested?"

Blake looked up to her old colleague, sitting back slowly with a small smile of satisfaction. "Thank goodness. I was starting to think you were going to miss us," she teased lightly, because in reality, there had been plenty of time left before launch.

"Well, you know me," Steele said, shifting from formal to at ease in a moment, "I always did like to make an entrance. So," he gestured toward his surroundings, and to the ship, "why am I here? Not that I'm complaining, mind you, it was getting a bit boring back at the Academy."

"I needed a good Chief Counsellor," Blake replied bluntly, but a small almost playful smile softened it as she motioned for him to join her at the desk. "And you came to mind," she admitted softly as she rested her clasped hands in her lap. "So I pulled a couple of strings, as they say..."

Steele took a seat, shaking his head as he did so. "I'm not exactly the warm and fluffy type," he said as he leaned forward slightly. "Course, twenty years on the Faraday and I think I only had one office visit. A young man who was completely unsuited for service on a ship. Not sure how he slipped through the Academy's net but he did. I do love field work though."

"Good," Scarlet arched an eyebrow as she leant forward on the desk to him, her expression leaving no doubt that she meant it. "I was never the warm and fluffy type when I practiced either. And frankly, sometimes I think serving personnel respond better to someone more...assertive."

"Agreed," Aristede said. "You'd be amazed at how many counselors I've seen who think the start of therapy should always include candy and warm tea." His mouth quirked up slightly as he added, "I have made concessions, however. After all, I did agree to a comfortable sofa rather than the wooden bench seat I had first requested."

Humour glinted in Scarlet's eyes at the comment and she tilted her head to him in a 'well there you go' mock concession. "We also have a chaplain onboard, so there are...softer approaches available, should we need it. Besides, you do yourself a misjustice. I've seen how adaptable you can be."

"Now, now," Aristede said, smiling slightly, "don't go spreading that around. You'll ruin my hard-won reputation. Chaplain, huh? Trained in spiritually-based counseling?"

Blake nodded with something close to amusement as she crossed her legs, wondering how he might react to that. "Spiritual guidance, morale, and he's trained in some basic techniques...but he can't carry out evaluations or engage in ongoing therapy."

Aristede grunted slightly. "I'm young yet," he said. "At sixty, I lack the experience that most of my people, or rather, what's left of my people, have, so I'm open to the possibilities. It depends on how rigid the chaplain is. I've seen some that are absolute horrors to work with." He gave his new captain a horrified look. "I trust you aren't expecting me to attend services?"

Blake actually laughed at seeing the muted panic flash across his features, unable to help herself. "No! Not at all. However, you are technically his Chief, even if he sits outside the chain of command as a civilian. You also have two counsellors on your staff, so use them as you see fit."

"Will do," Aristede said. He arched one eyebrow slightly, his voice dropping to a musing sound, "Not sure that there's anyone outside of the chain of command. Not on a starship. Don't they assign civilians an equivalent rank? For reporting purposes?"

Blake nodded with a small smile that held the faintest hint of amusement. "Indeed, but I've worked with this man before and he's not exactly...military minded. He's more likely to try and recruit you for a theatre group than engage in conversations about ship management," she shook her head lightly, because she was confident the balance between Aristede's no nonsense, practical approach and Thorne's more spiritual approach would cover a broad spectrum across the crew. "Of course, as a senior officer, I'll be relying on your expertise during missions, so be ready to accompany the First Officer regularly on Away Teams."

"At your service, of course," Aristede said at once. "But theater groups?" He shivered theatrically. "While I attend plays as often as I can, I doubt he'll convince me to get up on a stage myself." He mock-shuddered a second time. "I'll be happy to organize the dinner party afterward though."

There was a moment of silence, and there was absolutely no doubt that Scarlet was trying to imagine Aristede acting in a play as entertainment for the rest of the crew. She actually thought he'd be good at it, but the twitch of amusement at the corner of her lips came from how self-conscious he'd likely be about the entire thing. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you're very busy whenever he comes calling."

"Then again," Aristede said, "I'm his boss and ... I've never been shy about speaking my mind. No, I've no interest in performing. Never have. Now, granted, I can lie with the best of them if it means I'm saving a life by doing so but ... performing? Nah. Just not me. How about we move onto less ... terrifying ... topics, shall we? For example, is there anyone among the crew that you're particularly concerned about?"

"Hm..." Blake's features lost their humour as she sat back and put serious thought into the question. There had been so many crew files to keep on top of that they had threatened to become a blur, but the meetings she'd had so far with incoming personnel were clearer to think back on. "A few come to mind," she finally offered, meeting his eyes as she shared her opinion with him. But opinion it remained; there was no hint of an order in her tone or words.

"Crewman Mateo Gardel, Science, he's had problems in previous positions. Oppositional Defiant Disorder, but there is more going on under the surface. As you can imagine, that has proven problematic in the hierarchy of a Starfleet vessel, so I'd like him to have what support we can offer.

"Our Chief Medical Officer, Lt. Astrid Nyx, she took on the guardianship of a child under traumatic circumstances. I get the impression she is coping well, but it would be good to ensure they both settle into their new routines here.

"And then there's Mister Gabriel Stark, Security, I've served with him before. He was originally enrolled into officer training but an altercation in a bar ended in his dismissal from the Academy and time served in prison. A Starfleet sponsor allowed him to enlist after, but he's under orders to attend regular counselling and medical sessions. His temperament is highly changeable and I've had to reprimand him as a result of his temper on more than one occasion in the past."

"I'll set up appointments with them," Aristede said. "Starfleet hiring practices have changed somewhat since last I paid attention to them. I seem to recall them checking how well my nails were filed in my first interview." His lips quirked upward, ever so slightly, and immediately smoothed out again. "But the haircut being an eighth of an inch too long, that I completely understood."

"Good to know that someone around here is paying attention to the fine details," Blake lifted her eyebrows as she sat back, knowing exactly what he meant though. She wasn't so harsh as to say 'desperate times call for desperate measures', but it certainly seemed the case that the powers-that-be were happy to look the other way when it came to skills that were needed. "Luckily, we have miracle workers like you that can keep our people on the straight and narrow..."

Aristede grunted by way of answer. Some problems took a long time and a lot of therapy to work through and that didn't necessarily make them fit for the high stress position of working on a starship. Still, he'd know more once he spoke to them individually. "And while I can't share the contents of my sessions with you, I will, of course, keep you apprised if I find out anything truly concerning."

"Of course," Blake's tone became more serious with the response. She wouldn't have expected anything else. And besides, so long as it didn't impact on the security of her ship and crew, it really wasn't her business. "If there's any research or projects you'd like to pursue while you're here, feel free to ask, I'm sure we can accommodate your work."

"My research is primarily involved with aberrant behavior," Aristede said, "and while I don't have anything going at the moment, I'm sure that will change." He grinned cheerfully. "So, if I have a chance to interview the occasional psychopath, I'll be sure to put in my request."

"Let's hope we don't come across too many in our travels, hm?" Blake quirked an eyebrow before chuckling weakly. Because truth was, she'd lost count of the amount of times she'd been at the sharp end of a violent being in one form or another whilst serving Starfleet. Maybe she was just unlucky. She took a sharp breath, as if to put the thought firmly back in its place and move on. "Is there anything you'd like to ask while you have me?"

"Nothing that I can think of at the moment, Captain," Aristede asked. "Except to ask how you yourself are doing? Command of a starship is not an easy job."

Blake laughed softly at that, nodding as she looked down, rubbing the back of her neck. "It's my first real least, with a ship that's mine rather than standing in for someone else. They've sent me one hell of an experienced First Officer though. I can't believe that's coincidental. Honestly...when I was Second Officer and First Officer, my workload went up considerably from working as a counsellor. No skin off my nose, but...I always worry about Lily," she smiled softly at the mention of her daughter all the same. "And feel guilty for it. It's natural, I know, but...I'll feel better when we have a few months under our belt here and we've settled into a new routine."

"Big changes require a period of adjustment. Time to step from one way of doing things to another. You'll get there. You're a capable officer." He paused a second, his gaze hooded, guarded. "Are there ... a lot of children on board," Aristede asked.

"A few, but not a whole classful," she tilted her head with curiosity at the slight shift in him, trying to decipher the look. "Why?"

"I should say curiosity," Aristede said, his expression turning slightly sheepish, "because that's the professional answer. In reality though, they make me nervous. I have dealt with criminals and psychopaths and serial killers. Never been nervous for a second, but a small child?" He shuddered delicately. "Not a particular fan."

Scarlet watched him with surprise as she sat back, a small smile of awe pulling at her lips. So it was true, about learning something new everyday. "I mean...they are pretty good at throwing curve balls at you," she quirked an eyebrow, with near playful consideration. She turned the picture on her desk around, so he could see it. "Lily's six now, but she still manages to find a way to test me every day. So I can't deny there's a certain logic to your nervousness."

"I should explain," Aristede said, shifting slightly in his seat, largely because he thought better when he was pacing. "It's more that the parents expect a certain type of behavior from an adult that deals with a child. I don't do baby talk and I don't lie. So, if they ask me if unicorns are real ..." He shrugged lightly. "Thus, the nervousness. I'm bound to put my foot wrong and then I have a wailing child AND an irritated parent to handle. No, best to stay away."

Blake had to use an extraordinary amount of effort to stop the smile at his expense threatening. The worst thing was, she could just picture it too. "Noted," she assured instead, clearing her throat subtly. "Although, you can rest assured, if you tell Lily that unicorns aren't real, she'll just tell you you're wrong."

"Denial is a common defense mechanism," Aristede said, a twinkle in his dark eyes that betrayed the statement, "however, counseling is not recommended."

Scarlet laughed softly, lifting her hands as if in defeat before nodding gently to him. She understood well enough. She would never have described herself as good with children before having Lily...and honestly, she probably still wouldn't. "I won't keep you any longer, Aristede. Unless there's anything else, you're free to go and get settled. So long as you put aside a spare hour at some point for a real catch up."

"Name the time and I'll cook," Aristede said as he rose smoothly to his feet. "I'll make something decadent."

"Before we launch," Scarlet assured as she joined him, standing to see him out, turning to watch him with gentle amusement as they reached the door. "You can pick me up from my quarters to meet Lily. Don't worry...I'll find a child minder for the rest of the evening."

"Appreciated," Aristede said, with a slight grin. "See you soon then." And with that, he was gone, to find his quarters, to turn his 'office' into something more suited to himself, and above all else, make sure all of things made it aboard unscathed. While he walked, he started thinking about what he could make and what he could bring to Lily as a gift.


Commander Scarlet Blake
Commanding Officer
USS Fenrir

Lieutenant Aristede Steele
Chief Counselor
USS Fenrir


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Comments (1)

By Crewman Mateo Gardel on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 6:43pm

This scene is a masterclass in effortless camaraderie! Aristede and Blake’s dynamic feels lived-in, full of subtle layers of mutual respect, dry humor, and the kind of understanding that comes from having worked together before. The dialogue is sharp, natural, and engaging, with an easy back-and-forth that highlights their contrasting but complementary personalities. I love how Aristede’s pragmatic, no-nonsense approach to counseling plays off Blake’s own assertiveness—there’s no fluff here, just two professionals who get each other. And the little details—his aversion to theater, her teasing but measured responses, his quiet nervousness around children—make them both feel so real. This is the kind of scene that immediately makes you want to see more of them together. Fantastic work!