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Zap! And the Security Officer is Down

Posted on Fri Jan 17th, 2025 @ 1:19am by Lieutenant JG Amari & Lieutenant JG Aria Rice

1,733 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go
Location: Holodeck 2, USS Fenrir
Timeline: Day 5


Aria Rice was on the holodeck, having had a request to give some phaser training to a new member of the crew. An exchange officer. And once someone had heard about it, Aria found herself being ushered into the holodeck in a dual exercise: train new person, and also make sure the holodeck was working fine. She wasn't opposed to the two birds with one thrown phaser thing, it was just she usually gave blank stares whenever someone started talking about holoemitters, phase variances and light particles and....

She may have dozed off when it was being explained to her. Just a little. Not majorly, no drool involved, just a little bit of...


So once she had been released from the borefest, she had contacted Lieutenant Amari for this, asking her to meet her. She already had the holodeck running on a training setting. Stationary targets, those light ones, were linked up at different distances. In her Starfleet uniform with streak of red in her dark hair, which she had put up in a bun, she felt good. Like she was ready to do stuff.

Following her computer implants display Amari walked down the corridor of deck 11 heading for the holodeck. She had read up on holodeck technology but had yet to have a chance to experience it but it looked amazing, the ability to make tangible things out of light, forcefields and replication. It was certainly something she'd be interested in acquiring to take back to the Lesrai. When she reached the holodeck the door opened and she stepped inside.

Aria turned and looked at her, the smile on her face genuine. Okay, so she had never seen anyone like her before. And wow, her species were beautiful. "Hi, I'm Aria Rice...I'm here to teach you the ways of the phaser," she said, tempted to give a bow but resisted.

"Nice to meet you Lieutenant Rice." Amari said as she approached the black haired woman who looked a similar age to herself, she looked past her at the holographic targets set up behind her. "I hope I never have to use one of these in anger."

"Well, we try to avoid anger. Necessity, sure. Defense, sure...anger?" she made a face before she smiled. "Well, that's for the Marines. Let me show you how this works." She took a phaser and offered it to her. It was currently off.

Taking the phaser Amari made sure to point it away from both herself and Aria straight away. "I have read up on your phaser technology, it's quite interesting." She examined the weapon. "A type II?"

"Good eye!" Aria nodded as she watched her, giving a nod. "Trusty old type II, can't go wrong. You aim and press a button and boom..." she stopped and looked at her. "Well, not boom. More..." she made a noise to imitate the sound of a phaser firing.

Amari chuckled slightly at the noise Aria made. "It does look like a very simple weapon, not as simple as a disruptor but it is very elegant looking." With only 3 major buttons the starfleet phaser was simple but had many many uses.

"It's nifty," Aria said and motioned to the target. "Have a go. Turn it on, put it to stun...that's the setting..." she moved her hand to show her, carefully. "Once we got you up and running, I can show you some cool tricks with it. Wide beam is my favourite, I just never get to use it. Well, I did twice. Once it worked fine, the other time...may have stunned half my team."

Pointing the now armed phaser down range Amari took up a typical Lesrai shooting stance and took aim at the target. "The grip is really odd, our weapons have a much straighter grip."

"I am not sure why this is the design they went with. The hold makes aiming easier though, you don't need a scope or anything like that," Aria said as she watched, the smile now gone. She was focused on seeing how she was doing.

Amari took a breath and pressed the firing button; the red energy beam streamed out from the red tipped emitter and missed the nearly man sized target by almost a full foot.

"Can I give you a suggestion?" Aria asked and took a phaser. "I generally approve of your stance, making yourself a smaller target is always good. But the way you hold your arm out means that you aren't aiming properly for the phaser. You don't have the sights to line up properly." She shifted, standing sideways before she aimed and fired. But her position was looser, less rigid. "I would personally try lifting the phaser a little higher, so that the beam is basically at the same line as your eyes. It's the first thing I was taught. Then when you get more comfortable, you can change positions and practice. Most Starfleet personnel prefer to..." she shifted to face the target then raised the phaser and fired. "Stand and face it straight on."

Amari watched Aria as she demonstrated the 'starfleet' way of aiming the phaser. "The lack of real sights is very odd, aiming by instinct does not feel very accurate."

"It's a beam of energy, so no recoil or things like that to worry about," Aria said as she smiled. "It's accurate, with training. We do have rifles as well, but you need to pass the training for that."

"I'm still hoping I never have to use even this type II." Amari said, "Shooting people is very much a last resort amongst my people."

"Among ours too," Aria said as she watched her, shaking her head. "Things have gotten out of hand if we ever have to fire one. It does happen though. So best to be...trained to do so safely. Just because we got stun on doesn't mean those shooting at us do."

"The weapons we do use are capable of stunning shots too," Amari said smiling that starfleet saw shooting people was a last resort just like the Lesrai. "When we're not carrying weapons a lot of Lesrai have a device implanted in us that we can stun things with."

"That sounds...handy," Aria said, a slight hesitation in it. Not because she had an issue with Amari having implants but Aria's brain was now trying to imagine how she'd feel about implants that could stun things with, and that just felt odd.

"Could I show you? minimum setting of course." Amari asked as reassuringly as she could manage.

Aria let out a breath, considering it. And curiosity won over common sense. "Sure, why not. Not been stunned in like...oh....three weeks," she said with a smile.

Without any physical sign of it happening the control unit attached to Amari's brain transmitted the thought of activating her defense implant to the implant itself and within a few moments the blue skin of her right hand began to glow whiter. "Ready?"

Aria shook her shoulders and arms to loosen up, looking at her. "Yeah. If this makes me wet myself, we're going to have words after," she said, but playfully.

Taking the phaser from her and setting it down Amari chuckled. "I've never used it on a human before so I'm not sure." Without much more ceremony she put her hand on Aria's shoulder and the implant delivered a short sharp shock to the woman's body. Her other arm readied to grab the woman just in case the minimum setting jolt was still too much for her physiology.

Aria would have made a sound if she could, but every muscle locked up. Yep, she felt that. Like current running through her, with the added benefit of being conscious and aware. The seconds passed and her nerves, still twitching, registered the discomfort. And then it eased and she drew in a breath. "Okay, I regret saying yes. Ow!" she laughed, reaching to touch and rub her own shoulder. There wouldn't be a mark, she knew that, but wow she wished there was as evidence.

Gripping Aria's arm with her other hand to steady her Amari held her for the few seconds her body twitched and locked up. "That was the lowest setting." She said after the woman had recovered. The computer implant on her other arm lit up projecting itself through the sleeve of her uniform "Looking at this data I could probably stun your average human for maybe 30 minutes at the highest setting."

"Let's not try that on me, knowing my luck I'll have a two hour nap!" Aria laughed as she shook her head with a smile. "But your implant seems handy in a tight spot, so that's all fine by me, you know."

"It wasn't originally designed to stun people but it developed into one after a while." Amari explained. "There's a predator on my world that is a really great hunter, once it has a grip on you it's almost impossible to get it to let go. We found out a quick zap of electricity would make it let go and run away. Pretty much all the clans that have territory near their habitats have these implants."

"And...also handy for...I don't wiring a shuttle?" Aria said with awe before she shook her head again with awe. "Wow. I've been in Starfleet a bit now and I still starstruck by all the awesome things others can do. You got a freakin' stun grip! How cool is that?"

"It is 'cool' indeed but of course requires me to touch my opponent." Amari said. "If they get close enough for me to need that I think something has gone very wrong."

"Well, always good to have something in your back pocket. Not like anyone really knows the Vulcan nerve pinch except...well...Vulcans," Aria said with an easy smile. "Okay, let's have you on some more targets, I want to see if you still remember in all the excitement of zapping me."

"Alirght." Amari stepped back to where she had put the phaser down. Grabbing it she took up a stance a little more straight on as Aria had and took aim at the targets. "Ready."


Lieutenant JG Aria Rice
Assistant Chief of Security
USS Fenrir
[pnpc Hanlon]


Lieutenant Jg Amari
USS Fenrir
[Pnpc Masters]


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