Lieutenant JG Amari
Name Amari
Position Engineering Officer
Second Position N/A
Rank Lieutenant JG
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Lesrai | |
Place of Birth | Lesra | |
Age | 26 | |
Date of Birth | 2365 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5' 1" | |
Weight | 120lbs | |
Hair Color | Whiteish blonde | |
Eye Color | Green | |
Physical Description | Amari is a typical Lesrai female. Blue skinned, short, slim, youthful and cute with somewhat pointed ears A swirl and dot pattern above and along the inner side of her right eye marks her out as a member of clan Sisra and another pattern under her eye marks her as having married into the Karaya clan Wears the uniform of her species. ![]() |
Spouse | Marus of clan Karaya | |
Children | none | |
Mother | Marta of clan Sisra | |
Father | Andros of clan Sisra | |
Siblings | Eras- Younger brother Isra- Older sister |
Other Family | Technically all of clan Sisra are family |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Amari is a happy go lucky free spirited woman who is always interested in learning about new things especially technology related. Naturally she is nervous about how this period of service aboard a starfleet ship is going to go but she's also extremely excited about the chance to do it |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Technologically adept- Amari and Lesrai in general are extremely adept at handling technology having an understanding of machinery that even very experienced engineers of other races cannot replicate, to her clan machines and technology are almost alive and require just as much personal interaction as they do physical maintenance. Not a fighter- while capable of defending herself Lesrai are naturally against violence, preferring to settle problems with her voice first, then technology then brute force if needed. Tech implants: When a Lesrai reaches adulthood they are implanted with several technological devices, there are several implants common to all Lesrai clans, some clans have their own specific implants based on what their clan does. The common devices are extremely subtle and only tend to be noticeable when in use. Mind impulse unit- a device used to activate implants with by just thinking about them rather than physically activating them Communications/translation implant- a small implant in the inner ear automatically translating any language heard into an understandable language, the implant also functions as a discreet covert communication device. Ocular implant- A minute device attached to the back of her eyes, this implan serves a similar function to the ear based translation implant, this allows written language to be translated into Lesrai and relayed to her brain almost instantly. Defence implant- A device built into her right hand, after a few moments to charge it will discharge a mild electrical shock into whoever is touched, with increased charge time it's capable of stunning an average humanoid into unconsciousness. Lesrai computer- built into her left hand/wrist, the device has several functions similar to a tricorder and diagnostic scanner, it can show its data in a fully interactable holographic display projected from her hand or against her skin. Through this implant and her natural affinity for technology she's able to 'feel' how a machine is functioning by touching it. |
Hobbies & Interests | Reading- technical manuals, specs, anything technology related will always catch Amari's interest. Likes to walk barefoot around ships and machinery to 'feel' how the it is functionin |
Background | The second female child of the clan mother of clan Sisra. Amari was never expected to come to much, her expected role being to be married off to another clan to ensure alliances and technology exchanges between them. When she reached 18 she received the first set of implants that all Lesrai receive Amari was married off to Marus of clan Karaya, Karaya were one of the largest Lesrai clans and the shipbuilders of the Lesrai. The majority of the clan served on what counted for their military. Having little else to do Amari asked to serve on one of the ships and after rigorous testing she was accepted. Being the child of the Sisran clan mother and married to a high ranking Karayan sub chief she was commissioned rather than enlisting, her species and clans natural instinct for technology led to her taking a greater interest in how the ships worked and so was assigned to the engineering section of the ship where she served for several years. The Federation and its starfleet were known to the Lesrai and they were occasionally visited by starfleet ships, one day Amari was talking with an engineer from the USS Renown and was given a tour of the Saber class starship. During this tour starfleets officer exchange program was bought up which Amari took an instant interest in, she was given information about it and data about federation technology. After a period of trying to persuade both the Sisran and Karayan clan chiefs to allow her she put in an official request to take part in the exchange program. A few months later she was told her request to take part had been accepted and a runabout was on its way to pick her up. They explained there would be a weeks travel time to the Beta Antares fleet yards before a further transport would take her to the Utopia Planetia facility. She spent the entire trip reading everything the crew would let her have access to about the federation and starfleet and helping the crew to perform maintenance on the runabout to further familiarise herself with federation technology. |
Service Record | Engineering Sub Official (equivalent to LTjg), clan Karaya armed forces vessel Mira 4 years Starfleet officer exchange program- USS Fenrir Engineering officer |