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Sat May 25th, 2024 @ 12:23am

Vice Admiral Hiroshi Takahaya

Name Hiroshi Takahaya

Position Starfleet Command

Second Position N/A

Rank Vice Admiral

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Place of Birth Tokyo, Japan, Earth
Age 58
Date of Birth 1st January, 2333

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown


Personality & Traits

Background Hiroshi was born in Tokyo, Japan, to two biologists. From a young age he always wanted to join Starfleet, finding the adventure of space travel to be more interesting than life around him.

He had a good career within Starfleet, coming from a science background but enjoying the action on the bridge and away teams more than lab time.

He served as a First Officer during the Dominion Wars, and was given command of the USS Chekov in 2374. He became a Rear Admiral in 2383 and Vice Admiral in 2390, for his continuing work with deep space exploration. Known as a 'Captain's Admiral' by reputation, he often was there to see newly minted Captains get their new ships and act like a mentor.