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The Captain and First Officer

Posted on Sun Jun 16th, 2024 @ 11:59am by Commander Cornelius 'Kit' Hanlon & Commander Scarlet Blake

2,293 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go
Location: Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Timeline: Day 1 - before the crew board the Fenrir


Commander Cornelis 'Kit' Hanlon took a moment to stop, check his uniform, and then turn on his heel and walk a few steps away. He exhaled and shook his hands, taking a slow breath and turning again. Meeting a new Captain was always nerve wracking, even if he had only done it once.

He had served on the USS de Balboa for two years as the First Officer. He had learned a lot but had reached an understanding with his Captain, that it was time to move on. Not because they didn't get on, but because the Captain had thought he had learned what he could on the ship. He hadn't been sad leaving, perhaps a little disappointed, but it meant new opportunities. The USS Fenrir was that. The Captain was newly minted, so him having a couple of years under his belt as a First Officer looked good. He knew how to act under a Captain, didn't need training...

So that was something. Besides, the Captain was a person. He liked people.

Calmed, he walked to the door and rang the chime, taking another moment to check his uniform. Hair was tamed, beard was trimmed, he looked presentable.

"Come in!" a female voice called from the other side of the door. Although it held firmness, there was the slightest note of distraction underlying the simple direction.

He walked in, watching the dark-haired woman in the seat. He came to stand in front of the desk, a small smile coming to him. He couldn't help it, it was almost a nervous thing. "Captain Blake, I'm Commander Kit Hanlon...your new First Officer."

Blake stood briskly, nodding as she offered her hand over with a small smile. She'd have recognised him from his file. An experienced officer, on all accounts. She would have thought it fortunate to be given such a tenured Number One...only she suspected that fortune had nothing to do with it.

Kit took her hand, the smile widening at the handshake. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Captain," he said and let go of her hand. "I look forward to serving under you."

Scarlet watched him with keen eyes as she retook her seat and motioned for him to take the one opposite her. Surprisingly, she didn't see any insincerity in his eyes at the polite seemed genuine. "I see from your record that this isn't your first time as the Captain's right hand."

"I served for two years under Captain Jorge Alonso," he said as he took a seat, giving her a smile. "He doesn't keep his First Officers for long. Teaches them what he wants them to learn and then sends them on their way," his voice was filled with good humour on it, because he knew it was not personal. "I think most who serve under him in the Command staff see their tenure as an exchange programme."

Blake watched him with interest at how he put it. It was a fascinating prospect, and not one seen often. It made a lot of sense though. Well, for an experienced Captain at least. She wouldn't be quick to let go of a First Officer she'd managed to build a relationship with. "And then I get that wisdom too," she added, pointing out how far reaching such a practice could become.

"Spread the joy and all that," Kit said lightly with an easy smile. "I do hope it'll come in handy though. I know this is your first command and...well, I hear it can be a steep learning curve. You don't have to then spend time worrying about teaching me until you got comfortable in your position." He had asked around about her when he got his assignment. Knew she had been a Marine, and a Counselor. Very different from his own Engineering background.

"I have been told that when being a Captain becomes comfortable, that's the time to move on," Blake arched an eyebrow, shrugging slightly at the offering, but not saying one way or another if she agreed. "What *is* your experience?" she asked bluntly.

He let out a breath at the question, sitting back a little. "Well, it's most likely not the most glamorous one, I can tell you that. I was an Engineer. Am, because it's not like they removed that when I went to red. I graduated in '73 and worked at Starfleet help the war effort with resource allocation. I was there when the Breen attacked, helped with the cleanup from that...." he gave her a weak smile shaking his head. "I guess I am one of the only ones from my year who didn't fight. After the war, I finally got put on a ship. Been working steadily since then. I...decided I wanted to go into Command when I was Chief Engineer. I liked being on the bridge. I liked working with people and...getting the best out of them. I..." he paused, giving her a small smile. "I liked being where the decisions got made. So that is my experience."

Scarlet sat back as she watched him in silence for a long moment. Someone really had done their homework. Engineering was definitely amongst her weaknesses. She doubted it was a coincidence. "And how do you like it when the decision has to come down to you?"

"Better than I did being in Engineering having no say in my fate," he said lightly before he smiled, holding her eyes. "Starfleet has regulations to help us make decisions. Rules to follow. I..." he stopped and the smile faded a little. "Sometimes, you have to make decisions seeing the world as it is, not as you'd like it to be. And some rules may have been made in a world that no longer exists. Doesn't mean they shouldn't be followed, but their consequences should be considered with realism when making a decision."

Blake nodded was a fair assessment of being in that position. "And if you don't agree with my decision?"

"Is this a trick question?" Kit asked as he looked at her, taking a slow breath for courage. "I'm your First Officer. I'll...give you my honest opinion. If you go another way, I might tell you in private I disagree but unless it's something that'll...go against the Federation? I'll follow your orders and make sure the rest of the crew does too."

Blake nodded firmly, tossing the padd she held back onto the desk briskly. "I just wanted to see if you had the guts to say you'd disagree with me," she admitted with a barely perceptible chuckle. "I expect you to hold me to account. And I expect you to say the things to me that the others might not want to. So long as it's behind a closed door and at the right moment."

"I know half the battle in a tense situation is to make sure the crew's confident in our leadership. I have your back...if I think you're wrong, I'll tell you in private. If it's...really wrong, I might not be able to stop," he said as he met her eyes, with an almost sheepish smile. "Not that we would be likely to end up in that sort of situation."

Blake gave a simple nod of understanding to that. This being her first official command, she could respect where he was coming from, having felt the same way during her time as a First Officer. "I've been told in no uncertain terms that this is a mission of peace and diplomacy. We're here to defuse situations, not create them."

Kit almost looked relieved at it, nodding eagerly at that. "Good," he said, with a soft exhale. "Peace and diplomacy is what I am here for. Well. Maybe more peace, I've never been a diplomat unless you count talking a warp core out of misbehaving."

"Are you familiar with the Norway Class?" she asked with curiosity at the conversation turning back towards his engineering skill.

"I've not served on one before but I've worked with the same warp core in the past," he said with a smile, unable to stop it. "As a medium cruiser, they've got the best of both worlds. Sure, some don't like the design of the saucer...but it makes sense if you ever need to fly and land in atmosphere. And it's got space. None of that cramped people on top of them feel you get at times."

Blake nodded at his observations, arching an eyebrow with interest at the last of them. "Interestingly, Admiral Takahaya said the space was one of the considerations in choosing this ship for us, in case we need to come to the assistance of others," and she for one appreciated it. Having served on a cramped vessel, she was on the same page as Kit.

"More storage bays, means we can set up beds in it if needed for evacuations," he said with a small smile, nodding at that. "Smart. For every Defiant class, you need something a bit bigger to help with relief efforts and such. Or even transporting high value cargo."

"Have you worked across missions like that before?" she asked lightly as she sat back and crossed her legs, digging a little deeper into his Command experience.

"I have," he said, with a small smile. "The de Balboa was often used to transfer cargo. Usually aid, or equipment. We never did get in too much trouble because of it. I was never really on away teams before then, unless there was an engineering problem down planet that needed sorting. Did once rebuild an entire hydroenergy plant on Rahez VI..." he gave a small shrug, as if it wasn't a big deal. It hadn't been. The big deal had been doing it with a small team in a short timespan, on a planet that had only just applied to join the Federation.

Scarlet nodded as she listened, but truly, she was listening between the lines. He was conscientious, a detailed person. He could also be nonchalant, and it would be interesting to see whether it was genuine or a reassuring defence mechanism. "It seems I have been sent a thoroughly experienced First Officer."

Kit chuckled, a bit embarrassed, but he didn't contradict her. He was experienced. "You'll be finding your own style of Command, you don't need to be housetraining a new First while doing it. Sometimes, Starfleet decisions make sense."

"Sometimes," she replied, but the note of wry humour was clear in her tone if not on her features as she motioned towards him. "Is there anything you'd like to ask, or tell me?"

He watched her for a long moment, taking a slow breath. "What do you expect from me, Captain Blake?" he asked, the question filled with genuine honesty. He wanted to know what she wanted from him, not what a manual told a Captain they wanted.

Blake gave a slight nod at the fair question, thinking on what else there was beyond what she'd already asked of him. "Be honest with me, even when it would be easier not to be. Don't ask anything of a crew member that you wouldn't be willing to do yourself. And don't forget what we're all out here for."

He smiled at the words, giving her a small nod. This he could work with. "I understand, Captain," he said, because he wanted her to know he got it. The mission statement, what she expected of him. And the feel of the ship. "I'll take the opportunity to get to know the senior crew as they arrive, and most likely some of the junior ones as well time permitting."

Blake nodded with approval. She'd also be doing her best to keep on top of meetings with the crew, but she was very aware they were on a timer. "We're going to have a lot of inspections, tests and drills to carry out in a short space of time. Make sure the Chiefs are across plans to get them scheduled and running."

"Yes Captain," he said as he held her eyes. "I'll start getting things rolling. We have a few of the crew arriving today, the rest will be here before we are due to depart."

"Very good," Scarlet nodded briskly, leaning to make notes at her computer terminal. "And we should make sure there are plans in place for a reception before we leave."

He nodded, taking a moment before he stood. "I suggest we do it on the ship, in the lounge. All personnel, while we are in dock so every member of the crew can participate. Food. Drink. A speech to start, then a bit more informal."

"Agreed. I take it I can leave that delegation in your hands?" she looked back to him, clearly not expecting him to organise it himself, but to set the task to others better suited for it.

He grinned at the words, unable to stop it. "Yes you can," he said lightly. "I'll see what we can set up in the time we have." He had some ideas and he could talk to Operations about it, draft in some help. But selfishly, he wanted to do what he could to make it a good experience for the crew.

"Then I'll let you get on," Blake nodded briskly to him, finishing up her notes. "Feel free to find me whenever you need, but let's catch up the same time tomorrow."

"Sounds good, Captain," Kit said with a nod, standing. "Thank you for the time. And it's...good to meet you."


Lieutenant Commander Kit Hanlon
First Officer


Commander Scarlet Blake
Commanding Officer


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