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Unbroken Wings

Posted on Mon Sep 16th, 2024 @ 11:02pm by Staff Warrant Officer Oliver Sylver & Lieutenant Azree Kar

1,094 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go
Location: USS Fenrir
Timeline: Day 4


The USS Fenrir was a different sort of ship. The ship he had come from, the Washington, had been large and at times difficult to handle. An explorer. The Norway class was a different sort of ship, most likely easier to handle. Quicker, smaller...half the size of a Galaxy class. He looked forward to it. With the crew now allowed onboard, he had practically sprinted here. To set foot on the ship.

The Fenrir had two shuttle bays, one with two type 8 shuttles and one with two Roundabouts. Both were good flying experiences and he hoped to take advantage of it. But where he stood now, outside the Chief Flight Control Officer's office...well, this was new. He suspected he would usually find his Chief in the shuttlebays, or on the bridge, but it was nice that there was an actual office. Meant that there was a place for meetings, or chats, or paperwork. That sort.

He rang the chime, his blue eyes focused on the closed doors. There would be a lot to cover over short time to make sure that the ship was ready, yet he was confident it would get done. And he was just happy to be there. To finally be...somewhere closer to Verity.

In the Chief Flight Controller's office, containers were everywhere. Not nearly as much as her quarters but it was still a lot regardless. Azree had a lot of effects, at least in her mind. Given she had just boarded that day, she had very few reports on her desk from those in her department at the moment. In fact, the only one she was reading at the moment was the personnel file of one of her pilots, Staff Warrant Officer Oliver Sylver. She knew very little about him, but after reading over his file, she had come to the realization that they had come from similar backgrounds.

She was leaning against her desk with a cup of black coffee in one hand and Oliver's file in her other. Hearing the door chime, she set both down and slid around her desk to stand between it and her chair. "Enter" the Lieutenant called out.

Oliver walked in and if the chaos of containers everywhere bothered him, he didn't show it. He had the posture of a former Marine, that straight back and crisp uniform, although there was something a bit warmer about the way his eyebrow arched as he used a log leg to step over one of the smaller containers. "Staff Warrant Officer Sylver reporting, Lieutenant," he said, coming to stand in front of the desk.

Lieutenant Kar smiled as she extended a hand. "As you were Mister Sylver" she said as she let herself gaze towards the containers and back at Oliver. "I apologize for the mess, I was only able to get my things aboard in the last day or so" Azree chuckled.

"We are all in the same boat, Lieutenant," Oliver said with a small smile, shaking his head as he relaxed his stance. "We may be lucky and unpack without finding out Starfleet's misplaced half our belongings."

"Damn right" she chuckled in response to the Warrant Officer's quip.

He nodded, watching her for a long moment. "Is there anything you wish to know about me, Lieutenant?" he asked. There was no suddenly about it, it was an offer. He had been in Starfleet long enough, and on bigger ships, to know that people's service records were not the novella of great writing that some people thought they would be. They were boring. They were often written in bland by someone trying to summarise and they often omitted things. He was offering to cut through that BS and answer her questions.

Azree thought for a moment. There were the usual questions, but they were always asked. Time for something unique that would hopefully not reveal any past wounds. "Your file says you used to be a Marine Fighter Pilot. If you don't mind me asking Mister Sylver, why did you enlist as a Starfleet pilot rather than transfer your commission?"

"I spent a couple of years after...resigning from the Marine just drifting," he said, wanting to be honest. "At the time, I had experienced enough not to want to be in a position where life and death decisions were in my hands. The enlisted route was a sure way to avoid that, Lieutenant."

"To be honest I respect that decision" Azree gave a small smile. "The burdens of Command, can be strenuous like that" she trailed off thinking of past events when she used to be a CAG.

He gave a nod at that, watching her. "Yes. Although I never expected to climb the enlisted ranks as quickly either. I am grateful though. Starfleet has given me a lot."

"Careers in the fleet can certainly be rewarding" the Trill agreed before trailing off. "On that note, what are your expectations of me as your department head?"

He blinked before he gave a small smile. "Don't get me killed?" he said, lightly, before he shook his head. "Lead us well. That's all."

"No pressure" she chuckled before getting serious again. "I will" she gave a warm smile."

"I have faith," Oliver said with a chuckle, and he did mean it. Faith in her, faith in...well. A lot of things. "I'm an optimist on the quiet. Nothing we can't solve, fire at, or retreat from."

"You got that right" she smiled before a question popped into her mind. "If you don't mind me asking, what are your aspirations for your career?"

"I..." he looked surprised before he looked down, almost shyly. "Honestly, Sir, I'm just glad to be kept busy. Not thought about career progression in a while, just to get to a new ship. That was my focus. My...boyfriend is also on this ship, we've been on different assignments for a while and...I worked hard for this. I'm as happy as a pig in mud."

"That's good" the Lieutenant said with a smile. "While loads of people strive for higher positions or new careers, in my opinion it's just as honorable to wish to be happy, regardless of what you do."

He met her eyes, holding them for a long moment. "I believe we will work very well together," he said, his voice gentle.

Azree returned the gaze. "As do I Mister Sylver" she said simply.


SWO Oliver Sylver
Flight Control
[PNPC Hanlon]


LT Azree Kar
Chief Flight Control Officer


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