
The Sky's the Limit

Posted on Thu Oct 3rd, 2024 @ 10:28pm by Lieutenant Azree Kar & Commander Scarlet Blake

1,480 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go
Location: USS Fenrir - Corridor
Timeline: Day 4 - crew board the Fenrir


Lieutenant Azree Kar strolled through the corridor of the USS Fenrir. She had only just boarded the ship earlier in the day, and she was already trying to get familiar with the layout. She had never served on a Norway, just an Akira and a Nebula before this. She wasn't complaining. The Norway was a fine class of ship, the Fenrir included.

Besides that, she actually had a long list of things to do in the next few days. She had already met Commander Hanlon, but she still needed to meet the Captain and reluctantly, the Chief Medical Officer. Further than that, she needed to meet with her own staff in the Flight Control department, as well as any of the other senior officers when she got the chance, but if worse came to worse, there could be the first staff meeting for that.

Azree was continued walking through the corridor, with the glow from the space outside, glaring through the transparent aluminum. It was a beautiful sight. The Trill stopped to gaze through the window. She stood there in awe for a few minutes before she was interrupted by her communicator chirping.

"Blake to Kar, please report to the Captain's Ready Room," Commander Scarlet Blake's voice was almost soft over the comm, but the shortness of the message betrayed her to-the-point nature even if they'd not met yet.

Speaking of the Captain, Azree thought as she turned on her heel back towards the turbolift. Tapping her badge, she responded, "I'm on my way Captain."

It was likely the Captain requesting to meet her. But a small part of her worried that something had happened during her first day aboard the Fenrir. That would turn out not to be the case however.

Before Azree knew it, she found herself in front of the Captain's Ready Room. Without any sort of delay, she tapped the chime button.

"Come in," Blake called out, slotting the last of a pile of books up onto a shelf. They had been gifts over the years, it only seemed right to give them a home in her new office. She turned as the other woman entered, nodding to her. "Lieutenant Azree Kar? Commander Scarlet Blake. Welcome aboard," she motioned for her to join her at her desk.

"Reporting as ordered ma'am" Azree started as she approached the desk. "Thanks for the warm welcome" the Trill smiled.

"Have you just arrived, or have you had a chance to enjoy the station and Mars?" Blake asked as she took her seat, indicating she should join her. It was their first official day on the ship, she hoped she'd had a chance for a little respite at least.

Azree followed suit. "I've been on the station for a few days now ma'am. I actually met with Commander Hanlon the other day" she said. "But besides any duties of me required, I've had time to enjoy the station and Mars."

"Good," Scarlet nodded with approval, keen that all her crew take the chance for R&R while they could. "I've read your file, but I'd like you to tell me about yourself, I'd prefer to hear your version," she settled back, always eager to hear someone's story in their own words.

"Of course Captain" Azree smiled. "For starters, my studies at the Academy were focused on flight control, with a focus in combat flying. In my junior year for my cadet cruise I was stationed aboard the Nimitz under Lieutenant Commander Franks, the CO of Carrier Air Wing 30, and also under Captain Ellis Hansen, the CO of the Nimitz" she began.

Continuing, "I think they saw potential in me during that time, because I managed to land a position at that command for the first seven years of my commissioned career" the Trill chuckled. I rose up through the ranks and I ended up being Commander Franks' replacement as CAG, shortly before he took command of the Avenger. Two years later I transferred to the Hornet" she stopped herself from continuing in case Captain Blake had any questions.

"How different is it?" Blake asked with a small but genuinely curious smile as she considered the change in the officer's focus. "Combat flying versus ship's helm, I mean."

The Trill thought for a few moments. Answering the CO, she said "Very, depending on the circumstances" she chuckled. "Most ships don't usually perform quick maneuvers unless in dire situations. Most times when I was behind the ship's helm, things were rather tame compared to in the cockpit. It's also more dangerous. Those planes are much smaller than a starship. If you crash into an asteroid, you could very well be..." she tailed off, realizing she had brought herself into thinking about old wounds. "Gone..." Azree said sadly.

Scarlet watched her silently for a long moment, the ex-counsellor taking in the slight changes that signalled the emotional shift. "It sounds intense," she replied quietly. "Which can be a double edged sword." She left it at that, allowing her space to talk more about it if she wanted, or move on if she didn't want to dwell.

"It was" she gave a weak smile before moving on. "I had my accident when I was the Hornet's CAG. I loved flying planes and one day if I end up getting medically cleared to fly fighters, or get ordered to in an emergency, I would in a heartbeat. But at the same time, the thought of getting back into the cockpit again is terrifying, which is a double edged sword in itself" she said reluctantly. It was something that the Captain needed to know for command reasons. That being said, even if she was reluctant to say, it was nice to get it off her chest.

"But I think it's more than understandable, given the circumstances," Scarlet replied honestly, shaking her head lightly as she watched her intently. "I appreciate your ability to know what's right for you, and to make it work both for your career and the 'fleet."

Azree smiled. "Thank you ma'am" she said simply.

Blake nodded lightly, taking her reply as a closer to that line of conversation. "Tell me about your skills...your ambitions and interests."

"Well besides most of my skills being in flight control, I'd like to think that I'm a decent officer" she started, hoping she wasn't coming off too cocky. "In terms of my interests, besides flying I have taken interest in old Trill aircraft as well as old Earth ones. As for my ambitions, while I would like to get back into flying planes, that seems- out of reach. I would like to have my own command one day, however" she said honestly.

Blake couldn't help the slightest of smiles. She loved hearing that from officers she served with. It was the kind of ambition she lived to nurture. "Then there's no reason why you shouldn't," she said with a firm nod. "We will do all we can to support and prepare you for that journey during your time here."

Azree couldn't help but smile at the Commander's response. "Thank you ma'am. I will do as much as I can to prepare myself as well."

"Is there anything you'd like to ask me while you have me?" Blake asked lightly, not wanting her to leave with any burning questions left unanswered.

She thought for a moment. There wasn't really anything that she felt she needed to ask at the moment. Azree smiled and shook her head. "There isn't anything that I can think of right now ma'am."

"Then I'll let you get on," Blake gave her a brisk nod of understanding. It usually wasn't until you were in the job that you saw the sticking points. "Get to know the ship and smaller birds while you wait for the rest of your team. Once you get the go ahead from Ops, feel free to use the holo-facilities to get better acquainted with them while we're still in dock. You can expect an inspection next week followed by systems tests, so we're on a pretty tight schedule."

"Understood ma'am. I'll make sure my department is ready for anything" she said before standing up.

"Yes, I believe you will," Scarlet said softly, meaning it as she looked to Azree, taking a final appraising glance of her. The woman in front of her was capable, focussed but also sincere. That was the kind of officer Blake appreciated working with. "If there's nothing else, you're free to go."

Azree nodded and smiled. "Thank you ma'am. I won't let you down" she said before starting out the door.


Commander Scarlet Blake
Commanding Officer


Lieutenant Azree Kar
Chief Flight Control Officer



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