Frequently Asked Questions

Created by Commander Scarlet Blake on Mon May 6th, 2024 @ 2:53pm

What year is the game set in?


Which parts of ST canon are recognised in the game world?

Anything up to, and including, the film Star Trek: Nemesis is recognised in our game canon.

We have decided not to include Star Trek Picard in our game canon due to the different mood and style of the show.

Discovery is also not actively recognised in canon, however if there is an element you would like to include in your character or a story idea, we're happy to discuss it.

TOS - Canon
Animated - Not Canon (but happy to include elements on discussion)
TNG - Canon
DS9 - Canon
VOY - Canon
ENT - Canon
DIS - Not Canon (but happy to include elements on discussion)
LD - Not Canon
PIC - Not Canon

TOS Movie Era - Canon
TNG Movie Era - Canon
JJ Abrams Movie Era - Not Canon

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