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"Through early morning fog I see..." Part 5 of 8

Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 12:54am by Chief Warrant Officer Alexion Wylde

3,526 words; about a 18 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go
Location: The Planet Vaeron - The Capital City of Sol
Timeline: Backpost: 2365 - 26 years prior to current time

:: 2365 - 26 years prior to current time
A day after the events in Part 4
Capital City of Sol, Vaeron ::

The trek through the dark and dank underground tunnels had been long, hard and tense. Captain Eaest had led the group in their escape through the deteriorated tunnels, their only light the small torches built into the rifles he’d distributed.

They’d stumbled, climbed, fallen, run and crawled their way through the abandoned underground train tracks, struggling to navigate in the dark, the air thick and dusty with lack of fresh air. They’d pushed forward though...not overly fast with the injured and ill people in the group, but they’d kept going, steadily, searching for a way out.

It was hard to tell how much time had passed in the dark. How long their trek had taken. Finally, Alexion had insisted they stop and camp down for some rest. He knew it was safer to get some rest underground rather than once they were back above ground.

“This is it...” Eaest looked up to the old, rusted hatch above them before glancing down to the only scanner they had amongst them. “This will bring us out into the woodland reserve.”

Alexion nodded, taking the chance to catch his breath as best he could in the thick, claggy air of the tunnels. This was where they’d find out whether it had all been for nothing.

“Do we have any idea what we’re doing once we’re up there?” a male patient asked, holding his aching side with a frown as he leant back against a damp wall for support.

“No,” Alexion replied bluntly as he looked over to him, giving a half smile in the dim light. “No, Ridion, I don’t think we have the slightest idea.”

“Reassuring,” Ridion said lightly as he arched an eyebrow, looking around the group to see if he was the only one thinking it. “We can’t just wander around aimlessly with those bastards up there.”

Hanri nodded in agreement, but was at a loss for what to say. “I know...slight problem is I don’t think any of us know what to do next,” he admitted openly, swallowing hard at the risk they were about to take.

“For now, let’s just put as much distance between us and them as possible,” Alexion suggested, running an already grubby hand across his forehead to wipe sweat away.

Captain Eaest nodded in agreement. There were no government or military ships left that he knew of in the area. Until they got back up there and knew what they were dealing with, it was the best plan they had. He climbed the ladder to try and work the old fashioned wheel to open the hatch, but he struggled to make it budge with the rust and heavy metal.

“Here...” Ridion moved forward and watched the door, concentrating on it. He used his Talent, that allowed him to interact with machines and computers. A purple glow shimmered through the metal as the lock slowly opened through the rust. “I have the lock...”

“I have the hatch,” a young, male patient moved forward, lifting a hand, using his own telekinesis Talent to move the hatch. He took a tight breath with the weight and rust of it, but managed to ease it open.

“Thanks, Larin,” Eaest pushed the hatch the rest of the way, having to close his eyes against the glare of light that hit him from above ground. He blinked, getting used to it first before easing himself out of the small opening.

He kept slow, quiet and low, taking a moment to just take in the surroundings. He walked through the fallen leaves on the mossy ground, casting a glance around the thick woodland, making sure it was just them. Only when the Captain was satisfied that the enemy was nowhere close did he reach down into the hatch to start helping the others out.

Hanri took a deep breath as he moved out of their way, touching a tree and just filling his lungs with the clear, chill air. It was better than the tunnels at least, and he could feel his head clearing. He looked around as the others clambered out and gathered, closing his eyes as he took in the area. “We’re alone,” he finally confirmed to the others, his Talent assuring him that there was no one else close by.

Alexion took the chance to stretch, looking around the ancient nature reserve. It was so quiet and peaceful compared to the rest of the broken and ravaged city they had just escaped. It was as if nothing had happened. As if nothing were amiss. Just another beautiful autumn day. A wave of pain and anger swelled through him, so strong he half bent forward in fear of being sick.

“Easy,” Hanri moved to him, laying his hand reassuringly on his back as he leant down close. “One step at a time. One day at a time,” he whispered.

Alexion nodded, glancing to him with a frown at it being easier said than done, but he understood. The Capital City was gone. Their people, according to all reports were as good as gone...beyond saving from the cruel genocide that had been brought upon them. For now, all they could do was get through this day without being captured.

He glanced back to the others, straightening up carefully as he took a soft breath, looking around the bedraggled group. “Let’s keep moving,” he said gently, already walking, wanting to keep going in fear of finding it harder if they stopped for too long.

Eaest nodded as he moved up closer to Alexion as they began a slow but steady pace so the injured and ill in the group could keep up. He checked his scanner as they walked, glancing between the readouts and their surroundings. “You know this area well?” he asked quietly.

“A bit,” Alexion looked across to him with a frown, shaking his head lightly at the memories it stirred. “I used to come out here a lot, with my father.”

“If we head for the far edge, it will take us towards water,” Eaest sighed as he shook his head tiredly. “Would have been a good plan, but the boats are either gone or too damaged to use. That was on the first day.”

Alexion nodded with solemn understanding. “Eaest, let’s be honest with each other, we’ve not got any real options,” he whispered. “We either head out on foot to try and get to another city, which is suicide, or we head back into the centre of Sol to try and find some kind of transport off of this planet. Which means putting us all back into the Valley of Fire and Ash.”

“Not as difficult as getting out of it though,” Eaest said softly, watching him for a moment as he tried to convey his point. “It’s harder to escape an attacking force, because they’re concentrating on not letting people get out of the City. They’re not expecting people to be trying to get back into the City.”

Alexion watched with interest at the words, searching his eyes as he thought on it. He nodded softly, just considering it as they started their slow but gruelling journey alone through the woodland in search of some kind of sanctuary.


The night had been kind to them, offering unseasonably warm air to the group of survivors sheltering in the woods, using the cover of darkness to rest. Not that there had been any easy rest or sleep. Not with the knowledge of what they faced, and all that had already been delivered.

They had hiked for hours, helping each other when a member of the group had flagged. They had struggled to keep moving with limited rations, injuries and illness, weak from the grief and exhaustion of the seemingly never-ending journey through the dark underground tunnels. They had only stopped moving when the dark of the night had settled in and offered a small veil of safety to rest.

The sun had risen a little later with the time of year, waking Alexion from his fitful and troubled sleep. He’d walked around the perimeter of their little camp, stretching, feeling the forgiving, warm breeze and taking the moment of peace to clear his head.

It all felt so unreal. Like a horrific dream he couldn’t wake up from. Unable to understand the scale of destruction and murder. That his home was gone. His family. His City. His people. Probably their world. It was too much to comprehend. Too much for his mind to process. He covered his face with his hands, rubbing it slowly, as if to rub the sleep from his eyes and wake up.

“They’re coming!” the shout jerked him out of his thoughts and he turned to watch Hanri moving quickly to shake the others awake.

Hanri pulled the Captain to his feet, followed by the others. “I can feel them. They’re close. They’ve picked up our readings and are coming to hunt us down,” he said firmly, strangely calm with it though. Perhaps feeling them through his Telepathic Talent made it seem more real and matter of fact for him.

Alexion grabbed his rifle as he moved back to them, looking around urgently with dark violet eyes. They couldn’t see them yet, but he trusted Hanri’s Talent. He lifted his rifle, ready to fight.

“What are you doing?” Hanri shook his head with a frown, grabbing his arm to try and pull it back down.

“Well we can’t outrun them, not with injured,” Alexion shook his head sharply in return. “So it’s either fight or lay down for the bastards.”

“But it would be suicide,” Hanri whispered harshly, pulling closer to him as he laid his hand on his side to try and keep him back.

“So is the other option,” Alexion said seriously, holding his eyes with meaning as his grip tightened on the rifle.

“Anyone injured or ill, move to cover,” Captain Eaest held a hand out to the group, taking command over the stalemate playing out. “Anyone who can hold a rifle, forward with me, we’ll meet them further out to fight and keep them away from the group.”

Alexion nodded, pushing past Hanri to move out with Eaest as the group split up. He wasn’t sure where Hanri would end up, but he followed the fighters out, looking around the noise trap of a woodland with dark eyes.

“I can tell you where they are at least,” Hanri shrugged helplessly, his voice sounding tighter with worry at how much closer they were now.

Eaest looked grimly around the group that had followed him, shaking his head with frustration. “The rest of you hold back and lend covering fire where you can. I’ll do my best to take out who I can, but I’ve lost my Duelling partner, I’ll be limited.”

Alexion’s eyes narrowed at the words, his breath catching. “Your Transferer, right?”

Eaest nodded to him with distraction, looking around the open woodland with a frown. “The Elite guard fight in pairs for maximum efficiency. My Transferer, he....well he’s not here.”

“Then I’ll stand in for him,” Alexion said quietly but firmly, already undoing his shirt to prepare.

“What? No...” Eaest shook his head quickly, watching him with surprise as he grabbed his arm. “You have to be tuned into the Duel...”

“I know,” Alexion gave him a grim smile, exhaustion heavy on him. “I am my father’s son. All heirs to the High-Council have to go through full training,” he added quietly. It had seemed like such an antiquated tradition....heirs to the High-Lords having to go through full elite training, so they could do their duty and protect their kingdom should it ever be needed. A silly, quaint and annoying tradition to have to go through. Now, it offered a glimmer of hope.

Eaest weighed it up before swearing under his breath. Not taking the risk would be the biggest risk of them all. “Okay,” he finally nodded, stripping his jacket off with him, throwing it carelessly to the ground. He threw his rifle to a nearby nurse to use, not needing it in the Duel.

Alexion moved to Hanri, holding his eyes as he offered his rifle over to him. The look in his eye made it clear he expected him to make use of it.

Hanri’s eyes widened as he watched it and he grimaced with pain before shaking his head quickly. “No, no, Alexion, I can’t. I have done everything else you’ve asked me, but I can’t fight.”

“Rubbish,” Alexion whispered, moving in close to close he could feel the other man’s quickened breath. “Hanri, you’re one of the best we have, you’ve got to or they’re all going to be slaughtered.”

“I made a vow to myself that I wouldn’t fight again after leaving the Priesthood,” Hanri whispered, unable to look him in the eye.

“Do you really think the Gods would hold it against you right now?” Alexion gripped his arm to make him look at him. “You are a Battle Priest, Hanri, whether you left the Order or not, it’s what you are, inside. The Gods would not punish you for breaking a vow to yourself if it means protecting their children. You know that.”

Hanri’s throat was tight as he watched him, dread in his eyes. He finally took the rifle, nodding to him before giving a weak smile of defeat. “I will watch over you,” he promised, moving to a tree. He pulled himself up, taking a position on a branch to get some height over what would be the battleground. “We don’t have much time.”

“I’ve got you...” Julin ran towards the back of the group, adopting a crouched position. Slowly, he lifted his hands, a band of red energy emanating from the ring he wore. He watched it, concentrating with slow, deep breaths as he manipulated it, making it expand and move away from him, forming a shield in front of Eaest and Alexion. “That’s as large as I can make it on the move,” he warned.

“It’s perfect,” Eaest assured, a faint smile of hope returning to him at realising they had an Energiser among them. He looked to Alexion, shirtless, meeting his eyes. “Ready?”

Alexion nodded firmly, letting his own shirt drop to the ground, now also bare-chested. “Did you want to tie our wrists together like initiate training?”

“No,” Eaest met his eyes as he held his hand out to him. “I trust you.”

“You liar,” Alexion shook his head with a grim laugh despite it all. He took a long breath to ground himself. It had been a while. He finally reached out and took the man’s hand, sliding his own up onto his wrist to grip him as the other man’s hand did the same to his own wrist. He started the Transfer, a never-ending loop between the two men, sharing their Talents, thoughts and energy between them.

Alexion let out a shaking breath as he adjusted to the other man, laughing breathlessly at the stray thought he picked up from Eaest. “Definitely,” he replied out loud to the man with a sudden grin, holding on tighter, their hearts beating in time with each other, racing with their combined adrenaline fuelling their anticipation of a fight.

“North-East!” Hanri shouted, already taking aim with his rifle and picking one of the advancing soldiers off before they were even in sight of the ground fighters.

Alexion and Eaest turned towards the advancing troops, keeping their grip on each other. The Transference only worked whenever skin on skin contact was maintained between the pair. If they broke it, they were dead, they knew that. No matter what happened, they had to maintain skin on skin contact.

Eaest lifted his free hand, moving the fingers. Energy started to crackle between his fingers, his own Talent showing itself in the gathering violet energy that he was collecting in his hand, ready for the advancing soldiers.

As soon as the first figure emerged through the leaves, Eaest sent the violet bolt flying at him, hitting him square in the chest, burning through his armour and into his flesh.

Alexion moved quickly, lifting his own free hand, the other man’s Talent running through him as violet energy collected at his fingertips. Alexion threw it at the next soldier, scorching his face and sending him screaming to the ground.

The red ‘shield’ from Julin glided in front of them, protecting them from return fire. It absorbed the energy, making the field crackle and grow in size, feeding on the rifle fire to better protect the Duelers.

Eaest moved swiftly, not having to speak to Alexion with the Transferrence loop flowing between them, able to share his thoughts. He pushed forward, sending another bolt of energy from his hand, burning out a soldier. Alexion fell to his knees, their hands always linked as he threw violet bolts at the troops from a lower level...Eaest standing over him to aim blasts of energy at the higher level, showing no mercy to the monsters who had destroyed their home and people.

“North-west!” Hanri shouted from the trees, not even having to look to know the approaching soldier was there as he shot another approaching from the opposite direction.

Alexion turned quickly to burn out the soldier that Hanri warned them about, the sheen of crimson energy moving quickly around them to shield the pair from a volley of shots being sent back at them.

Eaest used his grip on Alexion to haul him back up to his feet, their connection making it clear what he intended. He remained anchored and strong on the spot, keeping hold of Alexion’s wrist as he started to lean back from him, half swinging Alexion in a semi-circle that allowed the doctor to throw violet bolts of energy in a sweeping wave at the approaching enemy, breathing hard with the adrenaline running through them.

“East!” Hanri shouted, feeling another small group trying to flank them on the East side, but he kept his rifle aimed to the West of the duelling pair, covering them with fast, accurate shots that hit the soldiers directly between the eyes with each and every shot without fail.

Eaest pulled Alexion back to him with a sharp tug of his arm, turning quickly so they could stand back-to-back, leaning with their bare backs pressed together to keep the skin-on-skin connection.

Alexion breathed hard with a mixture of adrenaline and effort, using Eaest’s Talent to fire to the East while his partner covered the West, his skin drenched with sweat and tingling with the energy humming through them. He stood steadfast in the face of the return fire, firing bolts of energy at the enemy as thick and fast as he could, trusting the moving and expanding shield of the Energiser to soak up the fire...and secure in the knowledge that Hanri was covering them from above. He’d never known a better sniper.

Alexion’s hands were shaking as the last of the scouts dropped lifelessly to the ground. He was breathing hard, staring with wide, violet-blue eyes at the scene of death in front of him. He looked back to the hands that Eaest’s Energy Talent had flowed through, lost for a moment.

“That’s all of them,” Hanri dropped down to the ground, crouching in the leaves for a moment before moving to Alexion with concern. He held his eyes, frowning as he touched an outstretched, tingling hand.

Alexion nodded absently, shaking himself out of it as he met Hanri’s eyes, curling his fingers around his hand to hold. “You did well. You always did.”

“What are you?” Eaest asked with clear approval as he looked to Hanri, hope back in his eyes and soul.

“He’s a Battle Priest,” Alexion said softly, tapping the side of Hanri’s face with a comradely hand. “Best there was.”

“Well you certainly picked them off, thanks for the help,” Eaest bowed his head to him with genuine gratitude. As he looked around their small, exhausted group, he started to see some kind of light. Everything had seemed so hopeless. This was the first small victory for what felt like a long time. Maybe....just maybe they could save some of the small surviving group from the hospital. And if they saved just one, then it was worth it.

Alexion looked across to the Captain, still in contact with him, able to share his thoughts. He nodded his head slightly, jaw clenched. He hoped it was true. He just wasn’t sure if he could trust in wishful thinking.


Dr. Alexion Wylde
USS Fenrir


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