Civilian Temas Latham
Name Temas Latham
Position Teacher
Rank Civilian
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Human/Betazoid | |
Place of Birth | Bremen, Maine, North America | |
Age | 26 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 183cm | |
Weight | 75kg | |
Hair Color | Brown | |
Eye Color | Brown, almost black | |
Physical Description | Temas is slender but toned, enjoying doing exercise such as running. He has brown hair and eyes, slightly lighter than a full Betazoid. He has pale skin that has freckles and his smile is often described as reassuring. Most of the time he wears his hair slightly longer on top so a lock or two artfully fall onto his forehead. He has no scars or tattoos on him, or piercings. |
Mother | Relianna Latham | |
Father | Isaac Latham |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Temas’ general temperament is calm and patient, which has helped him in his chosen career as a teacher. As a half-Betazoid, he’s got some empathic abilities, but only if the person is in a high emotional state: something that happens a lot with children. He uses it to help but hasn’t been trained or developed his abilities. Instead, he relies on common sense and that listening matters more than anything else. He has a warm sense of humour and not the biggest tolerance for people skirting around an issue. He doesn’t have a temper per say yet can get frustrated with people and become a little short with them. He can be sarcastic, but when he is it is always meant with good humour rather than anything else. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Temas is kind and patient, able to see the best in people and situations. He is truly passionate about teaching children, wanting to give them the sort of education he had. He is good with history, literature and mathematics. However, on the same side, there is a naïve side of him. As a civilian he isn’t quite able to understand Starfleet’s rules and regulation and he finds the blind obedience of a crew to its Captain strange. His weaker subjects that, luckily, he doesn’t teach unless another teacher is sick, is coding, biology and astrophysics. |
Ambitions | Temas wants to enhance the experience of students in the classroom. As such, he is constantly working on projects to try and find ways to improve teaching in the classroom on a Starship. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Temas loves music and plays the violin. He also enjoys reading and holodeck programmes, especially the more romantic ones. He enjoys games as well, from a large number of cultures. He recently started playing t’Sang on the holodeck. He is also interested in languages and uses games to help him learn languages, and since his newest language to learn is Klingon it was fitting. Temas also practices Suus Mahna, a Vulcan martial arts, which he started as a child. He is good at it for a human, but aware that he is a long way away from ever taking on a Vulcan in a tournament. He does it to stay fit. He is a runner and enjoys rock climbing and parkour. He is also a decent Parrises Squares player. When on Earth, he often spends time with his father sailing the old boat they have. He has always claimed it was when he felt most close to him. |
Languages Spoken | English (fluent), Betazoid (fluent), Spanish (advanced), French (casual), Vulcan (advanced), Klingon (beginner) |
Background | Temas was born in a small town in Maine, New England, in what had once been the United States of America. His mother was a Betazoid, a former Starfleet Cadet who had realised two years into the Academy that Starfleet wasn’t for her. Yet rather than going to her home planet she had decided to travel. It’s where she met Isaac Latham, who was a curator at the Maine Maritime Museum. They fell in love and had a child, named Temas. Temas grew up as the only half-other than human in a small town by the sea. He was a sensitive child, careful with those around him who enjoyed hearing about his mother’s home. He was close to his parents, although his mother spent more time with him. His father, while he loved him, was more distant, unsure how to handle the half-betazoid son he had. This only seemed to change when he taught Temas how to handle the old boat he has. On the sea, Temas was regaled with stories from his father’s family and their bond would grow…only to dampen down again once they were on firm land once more. He was good at school, even if some subjects were more appealing to him than others. He had an interest in other cultures and would spend time learning about them. He was also good at languages, having been brought up bilingual at home anyway. He started Spanish at school, as well as Vulcan, wanting to learn the language of those who had made first contact with so many species. He got a little bit obsessed with it, starting Suss Mahna lessons when he was nine, just because it looked more fun than the weird advanced version of Jenga. As he got older, Temas had a small group of friends and a lot of hobbies. On the weekends, weather permitting, he’d spend a few hours with his Dad sailing. He played the violin at a good skill level, although did not have any wish to become a professional. He was on a Parrises Square team, he did Suus Mahna, he liked cooking with his grandmother and would go rock climbing with his friends. He was also on the school’s track team. He briefly toyed with Starfleet as a career, but his mother’s talks about it turned him away from it. It felt too restrictive. As he approached the end of his teens, getting a profession, something to do, became more urgent and more pressure got put on him. He found himself annoyed with himself and the world that there was no real guidance. Everything was about how you should look inside yourself, yet he had so many conflicting interests. He loved knowledge and learning, yet equally enjoyed being silly in a holosuite with friends, as well as competition and even parkour. Nothing seemed to be a fit to him. Until he met Andy. He was 16 when he met Andy, who seemed to struggle retaining what he was learning. He was a daydreamer and an artist, spending ages sculpting and in lessons would draw rather than listen. Since Temas was doing well in his lessons, his mother suggested one day that maybe he should volunteer to help his friend. Temas, knowing his mother’s suggestions were always more than just a suggestion, offered his help to Andy. It started three years of friendship where Temas realised he liked teaching. Andy wasn’t a great student and Temas realised it wasn’t because of stupidity, but because he was always thinking ahead. He managed to get him to pass his exams because he aimed for that: a passing grade. Not anything special. Andy’s future was already set, he was an artist…and that was what he’d do. Striving for Starfleet Academy level scores would just put on unrealistic expectations on someone who was just holding on enough to be old enough to chase his dream. Temas had gotten a future as well though. Teaching. He wanted to teach. He applied to start the training, doing a four year programme that would give him enough skills to teach limited subjects in the entirety of the Federation. And he wanted to explore. He first went to Betazed, which seemed like a safe option. He knew the language and some of the culture. What he found out though was that his mother hadn’t trained him. He did stay for a year, only out of stubbornness, but felt like he was trapped between two cultures, never truly able to connect to others. It made him realise that there were some things that he hadn’t expected. He then went to teach on the Moon, finding it a bit too close to home. The dome-living society itself was closer to Earth, there was still a firm line between the natives and the Earth-born. Uncomfortable, he went back to Earth, spending time in South America, travelling and doing stints of temping here and there. It wasn’t until he was 26 that he realised he had drifted. It was also when Starfleet pushed out another recruitment for civilian teachers for their ships. With the war behind them, Starfleet had been building up their exploration and promotion of a utopian society. It meant they needed teachers for the children onboard the ships. Temas applied and after a few round of interviews and two months training on starship emergencies, as well as paediatric first aid to get his certificate up to date, he got the job as one of the teachers on the Norway class vessel USS Fenrir. |