Civilian Jairic ch'Shaorhs
Name Jairic ch'Shaorhs
Position Crew Family
Rank Civilian
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Orion | |
Place of Birth | Beta Orionis IV | |
Age | 15 | |
Date of Birth | June 11, 2076 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'9 | |
Weight | 160 | |
Hair Color | Auburn | |
Eye Color | Black | |
Physical Description | Jairic at 15 hasn't hit his final growth spurt, so it's unknown how big he will eventually turn out to be. So far he is the very definition of what a “classic” Orion looks like. His skin has a dark olive hue. He keeps his dark auburn hair cut relatively short because he usually doesn't want to spend the time to fix it. The longest part of his hair is his bangs which fall almost to his eyebrows. His clothing is perhaps too snug for someone his age but he likes to show off the curves and angles of his body without being too obvious. |
Spouse | None | |
Children | None | |
Mother | Shaddash Jaggar 54 | |
Father | Jerrick Jaggar 52 | |
Siblings | Varrok 30, Jeran (deceased) Leessas 22, Tarasi 20 |
Other Family | Various aunts, uncles cousins, and hangers-on. |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | He tends to leap before he thinks and fix his mistakes along the way rather than sit idly by and wait for things to happen, or come up with contingency plans and escape clauses. He’s a bit of a risk taker, diving right into the middle of a situation, often becoming the eye of the hurricane. He has his own moral compass, which mostly points to True North, but he doesn’t follow the rules very well. He has a unique ability to notice the smallest changes. Facial expression, body language, a new clothing style, etc. He doesn’t hesitate to call those things out, or if the shift in facial expression or body language causes him to think a person is lying, he won’t hesitate to let them know. He is full of passion and energy. He is gregarious, something of a social butterfly, comfortable in almost any social situation. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | omething that he actively seeks – he just has a knack for making excellent use of social interactions and networking opportunities. He has virtually no fear of heights. Leap from one third-story roof to another? No problem. Walk that tightrope across the chasm, just make sure the rope is secure. Risk-prone – This impatience can lead him to push into uncharted territory without thinking of the long-term consequences. He sometimes intentionally combats boredom with extra risk. Unstructured – He sees an opportunity – to fix a problem, advance, have fun – and seize the moment, often ignoring rules and social expectations in the process. This may get things done, but it can create unexpected social fallout. May Miss the Bigger Picture – Living in the moment can cause him to miss the forest for the trees. He loves to solve problems here and now, perhaps too much. All parts of a project can be perfect, but the project will still fail if those parts do not fit together. Defiant – He won’t be boxed in. Repetition, hardline rules, sitting quietly while he is lectured at – this isn’t how he lives his life. He is action-oriented and hands-on. Entry-level work can be so tedious that it’s intolerable, requiring extraordinary effort from him to stay focused long enough to get to freer positions. Heights may hold no fear for him, but tightly confined spaces, especially if he is alone, cause fear, and anxiety and if it’s really tight or he’s in that position for a while, it can cause him to panic. He is still dealing with issues of his brother's death. |
Ambitions | Theo is rather lukewarm about pursuing a career in Starfleet. He doesn't dream of becoming a great captain with a command of his own. Professionally he'd like to either be a chef or a pianist. On a personal level, he'd like to find a nice person to marry. He thinks it will be a girl, but he's not entirely sure. |
Hobbies & Interests | He likes spending time in the holodeck, playing strategy-type games. He works out when he can, but can take it or leave it. as long as he keeps himself fit. He has a passion for cooking and playing the piano. |
Languages Spoken | Orion, Federation, Vulcan |
Background | Jairic is the youngest of five children born to Jerrick and Shaddash Jaggar. The Jaggars were not part of the Orion Syndicate, though Varok did join when they were old enough to leave home. He and Jaren the second born and himself are the only ones who didn't His parents had no involvement with the Syndicate, pirates, slavers, or any other criminal or questionable groups or individuals. At least not directly. The Federation had its own bland egalitarian utopia. And they for the most part were not interested in the accumulation of wealth That wasn’t the same with Orions, who were very much interested in accumulation. There was no need on Federation planets for bankers and not any private banks. Again that is not the case with the Orions. And that is what the Jaggar family was. Bankers who were very much interested in making money. Latinum, credits, diamonds, and other gems were the currencies they dealt with the most. Jairic was expected to carry out the family business. He had a knack for numbers, but his heart wasn’t in it. Two years ago at the age of 13 he went to live with his older brother and his husband Ren. His brother's death has made him angry and resentful towards Starfleet. He's not quite a ticking bomb, but he could be pushed in that direction if things get worse, or he doesn't receive the counseling that he needs. |
Service Record | None |