Lieutenant JG Riaothren (Ren) ch'Shaorhs

Name Riaothren (Ren) ch'Shaorhs

Position Assistant Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian (Chan)
Place of Birth November 7, 2364
Age 27
Date of Birth Andor

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 11"
Weight 165
Hair Color White
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Riaothren, or Ren to almost everyone but his parents, is a chan. One of two Andorian male genders, the other being thaan. Because he is a chan, his features are more delicate and refined, or as the less generous outsider might say, feminine. At 5’11” he is shorter than a thaan would be and his body is more willowy. He doesn’t look bulky or particularly muscular, he doesn’t even have what pinkskins would call a six-pack. Nonetheless, he is wiry and his muscles are tightly corded.

His hair is white like all Andorians and worn a little on the long side. It is constantly falling onto his forehead and he has an unconscious habit of pushing it back up. The more flustered he gets, the more he pushes his hair back. His eyes are the color of a glacier on his home planet.

His antennae are on the top of his forehead just at his hairline just above the outside corner of each eye. Those antennae are in motion more than they are at rest.

His hands are long and delicate looking like a Terran pianist’s hands might be. And he moves with athletic grace. He could wear trendy clothing if he wanted and on some special occasions does. However, for the most part, prefers comfortable to stylish.


Spouse Jarin (MIA)
Children Jalric ch'Shaorhs 15
Mother hiri zh’zyllir, 57 Pellaos Sh'zerross 62 Brothers:
Father Ashav ch’ashaoneq (deceased), Tynoss th’Shaorhs 59
Siblings Ren has two sisters Asisho zh’Sharorhs 35 Desyrel zh’Sharorhs 24
and no brothers.
Other Family Various uncles, aunts, and cousins

Personality & Traits

General Overview While Ren’s physique might be slightly skewed towards the feminine side, at least by Andorian standards, his personality is, except for his highly protective, (mothering) nature, quite masculine. He is equal parts artist and warrior. He can paint a portrait that captures not just the physical attributes of a person, but their underlying essence. At the same time, he exhibits his species' propensity towards violence. He can have a short fuse, especially when he sees injustice or bullies prevailing, and will jump in to protect a person or right a wrong even if he hasn’t been asked.

He has a strong sense of honor, like most of his kin and he tries to do the right thing and color within the lines, at least most of the time. He loves his parents and siblings but is somewhat estranged from his remaining parents because he didn’t want to raise a family like they wanted him to raise. Since adopting his Orion son things have only gotten worse.
Strengths & Weaknesses Ren’s first course of action when confronted with a sticky situation is to use his charm, a winning smile, and his words, but when he doesn’t see that option open to him, he will do what needs to be done. In the past, when he was in his teens, his almost immediate response was to use his fists. Now, he is more even-keeled, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t occasionally find himself in a spot of trouble when he lets someone push his buttons. It’s just less frequent nowadays.

He is usually a good judge of character, and highly intuitive. However, while he has a basic concept of engineering and the hard sciences, he doesn’t do as well with the more advanced aspects, because his analytical skills are not great.

While by no means a social butterfly, he is hardly shy and easily interacts with almost everyone. On the other hand, he has had to overcome an underlying distrust of those who are not Andorian.
Ambitions Ren knows there are a lot of bad people and groups of people out there who would seek to destroy the things he and the Federation hold dear. On a personal level, he wants to find Jeran, or at least find out whether he is alive or dead. He also wants to be a good father to Jalric
Hobbies & Interests Ren has an artistic bent predominately sketching and painting, but he has tried his hand at sculpture as well. He is proficient, though by no means an expert in Shan-dru-shann, an unarmed Andorian martial art most similar to Terran Hokkaido with an emphasis on blocks, joint locks, and throws. It focuses on using opponents against them.

He likes strategy games like chess, Go, Kal-toh, and Dom-Jet. He also likes writing holodeck adventures and is pretty decent at it.

He also like Bonsai and has an aquarium
Languages Spoken Federation, Andorian, Orion

Background Ren was born on November 7, 2364, on Andor. His older sister Asish’s birth had come rather quickly just a year after the th’ Sharohs family became a union in 2357. His conception was seen as a blessing as his parents had made several failed attempts to have additional children. His birth was celebrated not just by his immediate family but by the community of New Sheras as well as the Andorian race is a slowly dying one. His younger sister Desyrel was born three years after him and though they tried many subsequent times, they were never able to have children again.

His tharan Tynoss was a member of the Imperial Guard and was a fast-rising star within in that military organization.

His charan was an ambassador to the Klingon Empire. While by no means a pacifist, he was more inclined to use his words first and violence second.

His sharan was an artist

His zharan was an engineering officer on board the Federation vessel the USS Yorktown.

Things were pretty normal in the th’Shaorhs family till Riaothren was about nine. Then tensions began to mount as the differences between the four partners continued to grow, exacerbated by their inability to have any more children. For the most part, at least in the beginning, the parents who all loved their children kept the tension of their unraveling relationship to themselves, arguing in private and behind closed doors.

Perhaps the diversity of their various careers contributed to the gradual demise of their relationship as well, they were being pulled in multiple directions.

Riathtren, or Ren as he preferred to be called, was a sensitive child, at least for an Andorian and he picked up on the friction long before either of his sisters. He was drawn more towards his charan than any of his other parents because they were so much alike. Kindred spirits.

Ashav, who was the only one of his parents to consistently honor his desire to be called Ren, saw his sensitivity as something to be encouraged and molded, his tharan, Tynoss saw it as a weakness that could be exploited, that it made him weaker and less Andorian. He thought that Ashav was encouraging less Andorian behavior and coddling the boy, that he was turning him into a sharan. This only increased tensions within the family unit.

Tynoss allowed him to pursue his artistic bent but pushed Ren to be more aggressive, more Andorian. His encouragement did not go unheeded. Ren embraced both facets of his personality and became a willing and able student of Shan-dru-shann. He wasn’t afraid of challenges of any kind. He never backed down from a fight and even instigated a few when he saw someone being bullied, even if the person he was going up against was older and bigger than he was.

At the same time, he embraced his studies and took pride in his art, which he became more adept at.

He tried, rather unsuccessfully to be a mediator between his parents as the tension and friction continued to increase. He saw the writing on the wall long before any official breakup took place and did his best to maintain his relationship. At first, unlike his attempt to keep his parents together, that effort did work and he remained close to each of the four.

But then, things changed as time went by. While he remained close to Ashav and to a slightly lesser extent Thiri his relationship with the other two, especially Tynoss, began to deteriorate. Ren was just pulled into many directions. His sisters who were ironically more compliant fared better, though they too were negatively affected.

Another reason for the growing estrangement between parents and child was that Ren realized by the age of thirteen that he was gay. This was not an issue in and of itself, although incidents of homosexuality were somewhat less than they were with humans, it was pretty much universally accepted. What did become a problem was his stated unwillingness to get married to help father children. His parents, especially Tynoss saw this as an unwillingness to help a dying race, he thought that to deny who he was, just to be a father was rank hypocrisy and he steadfastly refused to do so. Only Ashav supported his position.

Shortly after Ren turned fourteen his parents were legally and officially divorced and went their separate ways. The children too were separated. Ren chose to stay with Ashav, while his sisters both chose to stay with Thiri.

Even though the parents were no longer together and were far too divided to ever reconcile, they were united by their love for their children. However, they did always agree on the best way to rear them, so they would meet every three months to discuss things and allow the kids to visit with each other and each of the parents, even the ones that did not have primary custody.

Two years later, in 2380, Tynoss and Ashav got into an argument that started over a minor issue that one can remember. That argument quickly morphed into something more serious. Perhaps goaded into it by Tynoss, who challenged him to a Ushaan duel. Tynoss won the duel, killing Ashav in the process.

No charges were pressed while a Ushaan between close family members might have been frowned upon, it wasn’t illegal. However, there was no way that Ren was going to live with the one who killed the parent he was closest to. Harsh words were exchanged and Thirit wound up taking custody of Ren.

At the time, she was an Intel officer on the USS Yorktown. Life aboard the Yorktown wasn’t easy for Ren. He found it difficult to deal with the death of Ashav, which he blamed on himself to some degree, he thought he was the cause of the original disagreement. Getting into, even starting fights may have been acceptable in Andorian culture, but it was not within the rest of the Federation and Ren got into his share of altercations after coming on board the Yorktown.

When the Yorktown was diverted on a clandestine mission that would take them into harm’s way she sent the two girls to live with her parents but asked her friend Commander Anderson to take Ren on board his ship the USS Asger. She thought that that ship would be in less danger than her own and she knew there were few children on it for Ren to fight with and she thought he would be a positive influence on her son.

Things were difficult for the young Andorian at first, and he resisted authority, but eventually, he learned, often the hard way.

It was there he first met Jarin, or Orion who was about his age. It was hardly love at first sight. They got along like oil and water, they were very different personalities Jarin’s parents were part of the Orion syndicate, though he claimed he wasn’t. He was however an unabashed bad boy. During their first encounter, he made lewd comments and made a pass at Ren. Not that he had any intention of following through, he just wanted to be funny and annoy the other teen.

Eventually, they became friends and then more than friends. In 2382 they joined the Academy together. Ren chose the operations track, Jairn security. During their Sophomore year, they decided to take a pause and at Jarin’s suggestion, started seeing other people. That went on until their Senior year when they got back together.

Ren never asked Jarin about who he went out with, or what he did with them. Ren did date a few times. Just nothing serious happened though, and by the middle of their Senior year, they called a halt to their experiment and got back together.

After graduation, in 2386 they applied to be on the same ship and were fortunate to both land on the USS Resolute, even though they weren’t married. Ren tried to convince Jarin that it was pure luck, or the Universe looking down on them, but Jarin was pretty sure that Ren manipulated the process since he was an expert with computers.

After eight months on board, Jarin surprised his boyfriend and proposed. Tjarin the Andorian who thought he would be the one down on one knee readily agreed. By 2388 their marriage, while not perfect, was thriving as were their careers.

Jarin was promoted to Lieutenant JG and made the Assistant Chief of Security. While Ren too was bumped up in rank but was passed over for leadership on board the ship. Jarin was more upset than his partner, but both of them were bothered by it Then Jarin was approached by Section 31. They asked him to go undercover.

That mission was successful and after that, there was another assignment, and then another. Some were undercover, others just covert infiltration operations.

The constant disappearances and secretive nature of his work put a strain on the marriage, but both men were committed to making a go out of it.

In 2390 Jain was assigned to infiltrate a splinter Orion Syndicate group The mission was compromised. Jarin disappeared and Ren hasn’t heard from him in over a year.

Six months ago Ren officially adopted Jaric, Jarin’s younger brother who started living with the couple three months prior to Jarin’s disappearance
Service Record 2382-2386 Starfleet Academy
2386-2390 USS Reoulte
2386-2391- Present USS Fenir
Medical History His antennae provide another level of sensory input. They can detect changes in atmospheric pressure, electrical fields, and temperature changes. When he concentrates he can single out bioelectrical signals nearby. Among other positives, this makes him difficult to sneak up on, at least if he’s alone.

However, they are not the most effective sensory organ, as they can be thrown off by picking up strong emotions through surges in adrenaline, or teptaline or even detecting overheated equipment. If one were to be cut off it not only would throw off his balance, but it would make him feel very vulnerable like any other species that has lost one of their senses.

He could compensate for that loss but it would take a day or two, and he would not only feel vulnerable, but he would also be. He would need help navigating and walking.

They can grow back, but it takes nine months to do so, unless treated, in which case it takes half that time.

They are especially sensitive to touch which on the positive side stroking them can be pleasurable and would even be considered an erroneous zone, but on the negative side, pinching or pulling on them can be very painful. And he doesn’t like just anyone touching them.

Even as a chan, is stronger than a human and like the rest of his species is capable of living rather comfortably in a wide variety of conditions from very cold to very hot. However, he does tire more easily than Terran's and other species after physical exertion and is more vulnerable to phase-pulse attacks. Having a higher metabolism, which means that he tends to eat a lot. Sometimes four meals a day, with a snack thrown in as well.

Because of the higher cartilage-to-bone ratio, it makes it more difficult for him to break a bone than most species, especially humans, but if that were to happen, it would take him two to three times longer to recover and heal.

Intravenous injections are impossible and any injections must be intramuscular