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Sat Feb 1st, 2025 @ 12:43am

Petty Officer 2nd Class S'Ralor

Name S'Ralor

Position Security Officer

Second Position N/A

Rank Petty Officer 2nd Class

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Caitian
Place of Birth Cait
Age 40
Date of Birth 2351

Physical Appearance

Height 6'6"
Weight 230lbs
Hair Color black fur
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description 290 pound’s of height, muscle and black fur, S’Ralor is bulky even by Caitian male standards but still retains a good amount of the flexibility of his feline species. Claw and bite marks adorn his body from his younger days sit alongside marks from both ranged and melee weapons.


Spouse None currently
Children None
Mother Yi'ra
Father R'Mikk
Siblings Cha'kax- brother
Mira'la- sister
Other Family Possibly some offspring he doesn't know about

Personality & Traits

General Overview Despite his size S’Ralor has a gentle side, the fiery temperament of his youth lessened now by discipline, age and experience but he still bears the evidence of those years, claw and bite marks and the odd chunk of patch fur adorn his body.

More than willing to use his size to his advantage both for intimidation and protection, he has willing put his bulk between his fellow crew and many a threat and has on several occasions forced said threat to back down through sheer force of will.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strong and bulky but still quite flexible

Background A large Caitian even from birth outsizing the rest of his litter almost combined S'Ralor struggled to keep his primal side in check as he grew, as soon as he was old enough to legally consider mating and forming a pride of his own he was chasing females, Caitian or otherwise. Some reciprocated, others rejected him sometimes violently and he bears the marks of fighting against other competing Caitian's both male and female.

His parents and friends tried hard to find an outlet for his aggression and to find ways of tempering it, most of this failed and it was decided to focus the aggression into a useful cause; the military where it was hoped the discipline required would do more to handle the aggression than anything else. It took several months and several days spent in the guardroom on disciplinary actions but eventually it worked and the fiery temperament of his youth was drilled and routined into a strong willed block of muscle and fur.
Service Record Enlisted camp graduating at Petty Officer
Advanced tactical training course
USS Evenstar- Security
Promoted to Petty officer 2nd class
USS Iliastus- Security
USS Fenrir- Security