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Sat Aug 31st, 2024 @ 1:03am

Lieutenant August Hobbes

Name August Hobbes

Position Chief Science Officer

Second Position N/A

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Place of Birth Earth
Age 30
Date of Birth 25 December 2361

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 150 lbs.
Hair Color Brown with Blonde Highlights
Eye Color Brown with Green Flecks
Physical Description Lean, owing to a fast metabolism and an unfortunate tendency to forget to eat, Hobbes has no interest whatsoever in fashion and tends toward casual wear that hasn't changed much since his early days at the Academy. Without the uniform, he's someone that people don't notice -- at least until he starts to speak. His hair is longer on the top and tends to fall forward over his forehead; shorter in the back. He wears glasses for close work.


Spouse None
Children None
Mother Elizabeth Hobbes
Father Tavitian Hobbes
Siblings Venerable ("Ven") Hobbes
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Occasionally a bit naive when it comes to human behavior owing to long hours in classrooms and laboratories. Extremely loyal to family, friends, and crew members and will do anything in his power to keep them healthy, happy, and safe. Responsibility for someone getting hurt can cause him to retreat into himself. Strong sense of right and wrong coupled with an honest nature. Idealistic about social problems and relationships but is also a rationalist. His thought processes are logic/mathematics based, which precludes acceptance of things like magic, psychics, etc. At the same time, he's fairly open to religion and faith and highly curious about pretty much everything. Self-reliant and not as helpless as he sometimes appears. Wide-ranging, some eclectic intellect.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths

> Highly intelligent with an eidetic memory
> Languages (other than his own): Vulcan, Betazoid, and Trill. He can read Romulan but can't speak it as yet.
> Specialties in exoarcheology, exobiology, and zoology
> Studying applied mathematics
> Strong understanding of theoretical physics
> Something of a child prodigy who could read at the age of two and was doing four digit math problems in his head at three.


> Weak in the social sciences (psychology, sociology)
> Poor reaction times and non-violent. That made weapon qualifications a bit of a challenge. As with most things, he did some research and came upon a quote, 'fast is fine but accuracy is everything' (Wyatt Earp) and chose, rather than compete for times, to be careful with his aim.
> Misses nonverbal cues, especially with respect to social interaction. Literally, someone who was interested in him would have to throw themselves naked on his desk and even then, he might miss the intended message.
> Stubborn and hard-working to the point of being obsessive. While observant about some things, can completely miss other things. Can become captivated by a problem and work tirelessly to solve it, often missing meals and losing sleep.
Ambitions Not something he thinks about. If anything, it would probably be continuing to learn, to grow, to understand.
Hobbies & Interests > Reading (non-fiction only)
> Forensics
> Hiking
Languages Spoken Federation Standard, Vulcan, Betazoid, Trill. Passive understanding of Romulan.

Background Youngest of two children, August Hobbes (Augie to his friends and Hobbes to pretty much everyone in Star Fleet) was born in 2361 on a homestead in the Sangre de Christo mountains (once known as Colorado). That had been his parents' dream, building a self-sustaining homestead in the wilderness.

When Hobbes became to show exceptional abilities, multiplying four digit numbers at the age of three, his parents understood that he would need private tutoring. The time his parents spent getting him what he needed meant that his older brother, Venerable Hobbes (Ven to everyone except his parents), was left to his own devices and led to some distance between the brothers growing up. Especially given the fact that those five years where Ven was the only child remained nearly idyllic in his brother's memories.

The family moved to San Francisco where Hobbes receive private tutoring. His father went back to work as an engineer and his mother devoted herself to the family and dealing with the challenges involved in raising a prodigy. As he grew older and moved into the school system, his mother got her master's degree in archeology, began to teach during the school year, and traveled to remote dig sites during the summer months. When Hobbes was seventeen, his mother was invited to join a nine-month dig off world. She fell ill and died before the team could reach medical help.

Her funeral would be the first time that the brothers had spoken to each other in years. Ven, now a member of Starfleet security aboard a patrol vessel, the USS Steadfast, had matured and the rivalries of their youth seemed long behind them. They began to talk, cautiously at first, and then more openly, as Hobbes revealed his intention to join Starfleet when he became eighteen.

He left out a lot. Graduating high school at fourteen. Bachelor's degree at sixteen and his master's at the age of eighteen. He lived in the rarefied world of academics, working long hours on classwork and often, side projects. That all came easily to him and he had an enthusiasm, a passion, for learning that was clearly evident. The rest of it though, not so much. He met with animosity, hostility, and sometimes, outright belligerence among his classmates. He had to prove himself in every classroom, in every interaction, and sometimes, he failed which led him to an interest in forensics through a roundabout path. Psychology, being a soft science, wasn't something he could wrap his head around but the science of figuring out who did what, now that, he found interesting and it became something of a hobby.
Service Record 2379-2383: Starfleet Academy, Science Major

The Academy was an amazing experience, at least among the cadets who shared his passion. For the first time, owing to Starfleet's rigid entrance requirements, he was in a class with people of his own age coming from many different worlds. There were challenges, some more difficult than others. Gaining the respect of the Vulcans he met was easy enough; passing his weapon certification was difficult. Slow reflexes and average hand-eye coordination meant that he couldn't get his score high enough. As he did with most things, he spent time doing research, figuring it out, and his answer came in the form of quote from Wyatt Earp. "Fast is fine but accuracy is everything." He slowed down and got a high score -- wouldn't make him an asset in a firefight but it got him through.

2383-2386: Science Officer, USS Faraday
2386-2391: Assistant Chief Science Officer, USS Faraday

Every new environment presented adjustments and challenges. He didn't regret his decision to join Starfleet; on the contrary, he though he had finally found a path that suited his curiosity and love of scientific exploration. Aboard the Faraday, he became comfortable within his department and gained a reputation for being thorough and obsessive when it came to solving a problem. Didn't take long before his Chief was calling him in on the more important cases.

> He helped in translating an unknown language on a dead world and wrote algorithms that improved the computer's ability to translate important documents, leading to a cure for a virulent virus contracted by members of his own department on the away team.
> Published papers on computational fluid dynamics
> Taught mathematical physics while on leave from the Faraday
> Helped identify a new lifeform on a world being considered for colonization
> Contributed to colleagues' papers on biology and the spread of infectious diseases

2391 - Now: Assigned as Chief Science Officer, USS Fenrir
Medical History > Allergic to Retinax V/Wears glasses for close work
> Allergic to non-lethal spider venom